Guide to Databases
- A to Z Databases: alphabetical list of databases
- Global Search: search the databases and library catalog with one click
- BrowZine: academic journals by subject
- Subject Guides: resources by subject
- Usernames and Passwords: help accessing library resources

Brief Descriptions of Databases
- A-Z Maps – Outline, current event, political, and scientific maps plus educational and teaching tools.
- ABC-CLIO Ebooks – historical ebooks covering a broad spectrum of subjects including American and world history, cultural, folklore, military history, and social issues.
- Academic OneFiles – Journals and other publications on a broad spectrum of academic subjects, including business, science & technology and social sciences.
- Academic Search Complete – Journals, publications, monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage includes archaeology, biology, chemistry, ethnic & multicultural studies, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics and other fields.
- Access World News – current or archived articles and videos from international, national and local new sources including the Austin American-Statesman and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
- ACSESS Digital Library – Journals published by the Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies. Includes Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of Plant Registrations and Soil Science Society of America Journal.
- Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database – Scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, technical reports, government publications, and conference proceedings related to aerospace, astrophysics, and computer science.
- African American Archives – Original documents relating to African American History from the 1670s-1940s, and originating from North America and the Caribbean.
- AGRICOLA (direct or via Ebsco or ProQuest) – Agriculture literature including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, and farming and farming systems, among others.
- Agricultural & Environmental Science Database – Scholarly journals and other periodicals related to all facets of agricultural & environmental sciences, including toxicology, energy and animal sciences.
- Agriculture Collection – Periodicals related to all aspects of agriculture and related subjects.
- Agriculture Journals – North American agricultural journals covering animal and veterinary sciences, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture, farming, agricultural economics, food and human nutrition.
- Alt HealthWatch – Articles, book chapters and reviews, case studies, product reviews, recipes, reports, and more. Focuses on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection – Collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.
- American Chemical Society Publications – Titles from the American Chemical Society since 1995.
- American Historical Periodicals Series I-V – provides a history of the American people from periodicals focused on American concerns and were predominantly published in the United States or Canada. The collection offers multiple perspectives on the thought, culture, and society of North America through the eyes of those who lived it, showing how history affected citizens from all walks of life.
- American Indian Histories and Cultures – Primary source documents from the first contact with European settlers to the mid-twentieth century.
- American Society for Microbiology – Critical reviews written by scientists published each year for 29 focused disciplines.
- American Society of Civil Engineers – high-quality civil engineering content. It contains articles from ASCE journals, papers from conference proceedings, and e-books and standards
- American State Papers – U.S. congressional materials from 1789 – 1838. Covers historical events such as Lewis and Clark’s Expedition as communicated to Congress on Feb. 16, 1806, Burr’s conspiracy and arrest, and the Treaty of the Creek Indians made by Andrew Jackson on Aug. 9, 1814.
- American West – Documents, essays and maps relating to the history of the American West.
- America’s Historical Imprints – Series I, Evans or Series II, Shaw – Aspects of life in 17th- and 18th-century America, from agriculture and auctions to the Revolutionary War, temperance, and witchcraft. Series II provide full-text access to the American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the first nineteen years of the nineteenth century.
- America’s News magazines – Coverage and analysis of current events in a range of categories including: news, business, entertainment, lifestyle, science and technology, and sports.
- Annual Reviews – Critical reviews written by scientists published for 29 focused disciplines within the biomedical, physical, and social sciences.
- AP (Associated Press) Stylebook – Style guidelines for journalists; covers punctuation, media law, and much more.
- APA Academic Writer – Citation guideline sample papers and figures, and interactive tools to help with APA style writing and documentation. (Chrome or Firefox recommended)
- Archive of Americana – Primary sources and archives: books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, government documents and ephemera printed in America. Includes “Early American Imprints: Series 1 1639-1800” (Evans), “Early American Imprints: Series 2 1801-1819” (Shaw-Shoemaker), “Early American Newspapers 1690-1876”, “American State Papers 1789-1838”, and the “US Congressional Serials Set 1817-1980”.
- Archives Unbound – historical documents covering a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history.
- Art and Architecture Source – Journal articles and ebooks on a broad range of art and architecture topics.
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index – Research articles, reviews, editorials, chronologies, abstracts, scripts, etc. covering archeology, architecture, dance, literature, religion and much more.
- ArticleFirst – Citations to articles covering business, science, humanities, social science, medicine, technology, and popular culture.
- ASABE Technical Library – Journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and technical standards documents published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- ASTM Compass – Access to standards, journals, proceedings and technical documents from ASTM.
- Bibliography of Native North Americans – Native North American culture, history, and life. Content range: sixteenth century to present. Topics: archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy.
- Biography and Genealogy Master Index – Reference sources and retrospective works that cover individuals, both living and deceased, from every field of activity and from all areas of the world.
- Biography in Context – Contextual information on influential people from various time periods and countries.
- Biography Index Retrospective: 1946-1983 – Biographies on actors, artists, business people, educators, military leaders, politicians, religious leaders, scientists, sports figures, statesmen, teachers, writers and more. Also includes letters, diaries, obituaries, juvenilia and more.
- Biological Science Database – Scholarly journals and other publications related to the biological sciences, including medicine and animal science.
- BioOne Complete – Bioscience research journals focused on the biological, ecological and environmental sciences.
- BIR Entertainment – Information on music and video titles including artist, performer, or specific genre.
- Birds of the World – scholarly content on ornithology with millions of bird observations from eBird and multimedia from the Macaulay Library. Biologists and birders can explore comprehensive life history information on birds.
- Books in Print – Bibliographic information on books, e-books, audiobooks and video titles. Readers’ advisory service include Non-Fiction Connection and Fiction Connection, BIP Alert service a directory of publishers and distributors, and award and bestseller lists.
- Book Review Digest Plus – Book reviews for scholarly and popular books on a wide range of topics and from a variety of publications.
- Book Review Index Online – Full text of book reviews, as well as linking and citation data for more reviews.
- Britannica Encyclopedia Moderna – Spanish reference source from Encyclopedia Britannica.
- Britannica Online Academic Edition – Articles on a wide variety of topics from the Encyclopedia Britannica, access to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, and various periodicals, including the New York Times. Updated Daily.
- Business Abstracts with Full Text – Business magazines and scholarly journals.
- Business Collection – Business journals, trade publications, and news covering all areas of business.
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Reference Center – covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), including risk evaluation, emergency preparedness and crisis communications.
- Business Economics & Theory Collection – Periodicals relating to Economics and other business theory topics.
- Business Insights: Global – source for international business intelligence and case studies, in-depth statistical data: includes the ability to compare global economies, countries, and industries
- Business Source Complete or using the Business Searching Interface – Marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Non-journal content: financial data, books, monographs, reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research, market research, country and industry reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
- CAB Abstracts (current and archive) – Abstracts of journal articles, conference papers, and reports from life sciences, including agriculture, environment, veterinary science, applied economics, food and nutrition, etc.
- Cabells Scholarly Analytics (Journalytics) & Predatory Reports – Submission and publication information for academic journals. Directories for accounting, economics and finance, management and marketing.
- Cambridge Journals – Online journals on a wide variety of topics.
- Checkpoint Tax and Accounting – Primary tax documents and secondary information for federal, state, and local taxation, estate planning, pensions and benefits, international taxation, and payroll taxation.
- Chicago Manual of Style – Citation and style guide from the University of Chicago Press.
- – Vehicle repair and maintenance guides and ASE Test preparation.
- Chronicle of Higher Education – News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
- CINAHL Complete (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health) – Nursing & allied health journals, as well as health care ebooks, nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, and audiovisuals covering nursing, biomedicine, health science librarianship, alternative medicine, and consumer heath.
- Civil War Primary Source – Diaries, correspondence, military papers, first-hand accounts, illustrations, engineering journals, and other primary source documents from the American Civil War.
- ClasePeriodica – articles, book reviews, conferences, interviews, research studies, etc. published in Latin American journals about agriculture, arts, economics, education, engineering, foreign affairs, humanities, Pan-American issues, sciences, social sciences, and technology. Multilingual entries: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English.
- Cochrane Library – Collection of six databases containing research articles, systematic reviews, controlled clinical trial reports, and protocols to inform and support evidence-based nursing and healthcare practices.
- Communication & Mass Media Complete – Journals and publications related to communication and mass media.
- Communications & Mass Media Collection – Periodicals related to communications and mass media.
- Computer Database – Business and technical publications related to the computer industry and computer science.
- Computer Source – Current trends in technology including computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software.
- Computers and Applied Science Complete – Articles in scientific & technical publications including acoustics, aeronautics, artificial intelligence, chemistry, computers, engineering, geology, plastics, textiles, and waste management.
- Consumer Health Complete – covers all key areas of health and wellness, from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary and holistic medicine
- Contemporary Authors Online – Biographical information for modern authors. Also includes author comments and critical essays.
- Contemporary Women’s Issues – Publications on women’s issues.
- Counseling and Therapy in Video – Training videos, reenactments and footage of therapy sessions conducted by professional therapists from around the world.
- CQ Researcher – Research reports, data and analysis on health, social issues, criminal justice, international affairs, education, environmental science, technology and economics.
- Credo Reference – Reference ebooks covering art and music, business, geography, history, literature and language, medicine, religion, and science.
- Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text – Criminology, criminal justice, criminal law and procedure, corrections and prisons, police and policing, criminal investigation, forensic sciences and investigation, history of crime, substance abuse and addiction, probation and parole
- Criminal Justice Collection – Periodicals covering criminal justice and related subjects.
- Culinary Arts Collection – Periodicals on cooking and nutrition.
- Dallas Morning News: Current or Historical – Documents major events in Texas, the U.S, and the world, with valuable primary source information. Classifieds and display advertising, photos, and graphics are also included.
- Dance Online: Dance in Video – Streaming video content of performances, instructional videos, interviews and documentaries.
- Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection – curated primary and secondary full-text materials to support informed performance, pedagogy, and scholarship in dance.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online – Biographical and critical information about authors and their works.
- Directory of Open Access Journals – Open access (free) scientific and scholarly journals.
- Discovery@Tarleton – Search most library databases, as well as the library catalog in one place.
- Dissertations & Theses Global – Doctoral dissertations and master’s theses.
- Diversity Studies Collection – Scholarly journals and cultural publications related to ethnic studies, women’s studies and related fields.
- E-book Collection – e-Books from leading university, academic, and professional publishers.
- Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database – Scholarly journals and other periodicals on topics related to earth and aquatic sciences, including geology, oceanography, meteorology, and fisheries science.
- EconLit – International economic literature including economic and monetary theory, economic history, fiscal theory, public finance, welfare programs, international economics, banking, economic forecasting, labor economics, employment, and much more.
- Economist Intelligence Unit – Economic analysis by country, industry, and management.
- Education Source – Journal articles covering research and information in all areas of education.
- Educational Administration Abstracts – Publications related to educational administration and leadership.
- Educators Reference Complete – Periodicals related to education.
- 18th Century Collections Online – Digital images of ebooks published during the 18th century in the fields of history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, and science.
- Electronic Collections Online – Articles covering agriculture, library science, anthropology, literature, business, medicine, economics, philosophy, education, political science, geography, religions, history, science, language, social sciences, law, and technology.
- Emerald Insight – Journals on business, health sciences and social sciences topics.
- Engineering Source – Journals, ebooks, and trade publications for issues related to all types of engineering and energy-related materials.
- Environment Complete – Agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
- Environmental Issues & Policy Collection – Periodicals and reference content related to environmental studies, including environmental law and policy.
- ERIC via EBSCO or OCLC – ERIC articles and digests from RIE including references with additional information, citations, and abstracts from educational and education related journals.
- ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) – Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) documents. This database supplements the microfiche collection held by Tarleton libraries.
- Essay and General Literature Index – Essays published in collections and anthologies, as well as records for essay collections and miscellaneous works.
- Essential Science Indicators – Data on influential papers, journals and researchers in a given field. Also identifies emerging research areas.
- European Views of the Americas 1493-1750 – Guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. Created from “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750″.
- Family Studies Abstracts – Publications relating to family studies, including family and marriage counseling.
- Federal Digital System – Official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
- Films on Demand – Video and multimedia documentaries.
- Fine Arts & Music Collection – Periodicals relating to film, music, art, art history and more.
- FirstSearch Core – Databases including: ArticleFirst, ClasePeriodica, Ebooks, ECO (Electronic Collections Online, ERIC, GPO Monthly Catalog, MEDLINE, OAIster, PapersFirst, Proceedings, WorldCat, and WorldCat Dissertations and Theses.
- FirstSearch Ebook Search – Electronic books available from libraries worldwide.
- Fort Worth Star Telegram Newspaper – archive covering 1897 to current issues
- Fuente Academica – Scholarly journals from Latin American and Spanish publishers covering business & economics, medical sciences, political science, law, computer science, library & information sciences, literature, linguistics, history, philosophy and theology.
- Funk and Wagnall’s New World Encyclopedia – General reference encyclopedia containing articles targeted to elementary, middle, and high school students.
- Gale in Context: Environmental Studies – Reference material on environmental studies, energy, agriculture, ecology and related areas of law and policy.
- Gale in Context: College – authoritative and continuously updated reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints – Presents both sides of current issues.
- Gale in Context: Science – Contextual information on science topics. Includes news, videos and reference content.
- Gale Literary Index – Master index to reference works published by Gale Research.
- Gale Literary Sources – Gale literature databases in one interface including content from Literature Criticism Online, Literature Resource Center, Scribner’s Writers Series, and Twayne’s Author Series.
- Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine – Articles on fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs, prescription drugs, etc.
- Gale OneFile: News – major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
- Gale OneFile: War & Terrorism Collection – historic and contemporary topics in the fields of war and terrorism.
- Gale Primary Sources – cross-search interface to explore monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and more from Eighteenth Century Collections Online, American Historical Periodicals I-V, and the Archives Unbound series.
- Gale Virtual Reference Library – Reference e-books
- Gardening, Landscape & Horticulture Collection – Periodicals and reference titles relating to horticulture and landscape design.
- Gender Studies Collection – Scholarly journals and magazines on topics such as LQBTQ, family and gender studies.
- General OneFiles/a> – General interest periodical resources.
- GeoRef – Geoscience literature of the world with coverage on crystallography, hydrogeology, economic geology, hydrology, environmental geology, marine geology, engineering geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, oceanography, geophysics, and paleontology.
- Global Issues in Context – Contextual information relating to global issues.
- Global Road Warrior – Business travel, telecommunications and business culture reference. Covers 175 countries with key information on: the people, economy, work week, holidays, money, foreign exchange, visas, climate, passports, immunization, entry and departure, emergencies, internal travel information, and country maps.
- GPO (U.S. Government Publications) – U.S. Government documents including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.)
- Grassburr Yearbook Archive – Tarleton’s yearbook, The Grassburr, from 1916 to the present. Includes images and articles.
- GreenFILE – Scholarly and general interest articles, government documents, and reports on how humans affect the environment.
- Handbook of Texas Online – Multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture featuring people, places, events, historical themes, institutions, and other categories.
- HealthSource: Consumer or Nursing/Academic – Medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Nursing/Academic Edition – Journals focusing on medical disciplines with abstracts and indexing for more journals.
- HeinOnline – historical and government documents in a searchable, image-based format, providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,700 law-related periodicals and contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, and including U.S. Reports back to 1754, treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, and U.S. Presidents.
- Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center – Instructions and creative ideas for hobbies and crafts featuring articles from craft and hobby magazines and how-to videos.
- Home Improvement Reference Center – Step-by-step instructions for home repair/ improvement projects including content from leading home improvement magazines and videos of home repair projects.
- Homeland Security Digital Library – Security policy and strategy related documents.
- Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Collection – Scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural, and economic aspects of travel and tourism.
- Humanities Full-Text – Scholarly sources in all fields of the humanities including art, classical studies, dance, film, journalism, philosophy, religion, and many more.
- IEEE Xplore – Transactions, journals, magazines, conference proceedings and IEEE standards covering electrical engineering, communications, and computer science.
- Information Science & Library Issues Collection – Periodicals related to all areas of information science and library management.
- Information Science & Technology Abstracts – Classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, search engines, printed and electronic information sources, the information industry, scholarly communication, electronic publishing, and more.
- Informe Academico – Spanish and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines.
- Ingenta Connect – Journal articles, citations, summaries, document delivery of journal titles in all subject areas.
- Institute of Physics Science (IOP) – Institute of Physics covering both pure and applied physics.
- J-TAC Newspaper Archives – Tarleton State University Student Newspaper from 1919 to 2016. Hosted on the Portal to Texas History at the University of North Texas.
- Job & Career Accelerator – Model resumes, action words and keywords for specific job classification, occupation profiles, up-to-date job and internship opportunities from leading job boards, classified ads, and other websites.
- Journal Citation Reports (JCR) – Performance metrics for journals. Quantifiable statistical information based on citation data including journal impact factor and Eigenfactor.
- JSTOR – Anthropology, Ecology & Botany, Business, Economics, Finance, General Science, History, Literature and Languages, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Sociology, and Statistics.
- Kanopy Videos – Full length and short documentary films on various topics.
- LearningExpress Library – Practice tests and interactive skill building tutorials. Preparation for professional certification, licensing, and aptitude tests in civil service law enforcement, firefighting, EMS, military, real estate,and healthcare and college and graduate school admissions tests including the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. GED exam prep. User must register for an account to access LearningExpress resources.
- Legal Collection – Scholarly peer-reviewed publications: law journals, documents, and case studies on current issues, studies,and trends: criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, the environment and much more.
- LegalForms – Resource for legal documents, including for state laws. Information about how to use forms, including Q&A from attorneys.
- Legal Information Reference Center – Full text for legal reference books, forms for general legal matters and other legal publications. Texas specific forms.
- LegalTrac – Legal publications
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA): Periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings on librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
- Life Magazine Archive – Archive of Life magazine from 1936-2000. Full cover-to-cover, page layout formatted content, covers, articles and advertisements.
- Literary Reference Center – A full text collection of author biographies, plot summaries & work overviews. Essays from literary reference books, literary magazines & journals, book reviews, poems, short stories, classic texts, author interviews, and more.
- Literature Criticism Online – Analysis on literature, history, and culture.
- Literature Resource Center – Biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline. Scribner Writer’s Series includes essays on authors and literary genres. Twayne World, US, and English Authors each contain the full-text of frequently used Twayne Literary Masters.
- Litfinder – Poems, short stories, dramas, speeches, and secondary sources on literary topics.
- Mango Languages – Language courses, including English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. Provide conversation skills and an understanding of the new language and culture. Users must register for an account if they wish to track their progress.
- MAS Complete – Pamphlets, reference books (including the Columbia Encyclopedia, the CIA World Fact Book and World Almanac & Book of Facts). Image collection has photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. Includes the Our States reference book series.
- MasterFILE Complete – Multidisciplinary full-text for nearly general reference publications. Full-text reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection of photos, maps and flags.
- Materials Science & Engineering Database – Full-text articles, including scholarly journals, for topics including engineering, materials science, chemistry, and construction.
- MathSciNet – Bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database.
- MedicLatina – Spanish language collection of medical research and investigative journals covering neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, hematology and much more.
- MEDLINE– EBSCO or OCLC – Medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
- Mental Measurements Yearbook – Guide to contemporary testing instruments. Information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership.
- Mergent Online – Electronic access to Mergent’s (formerly Moody’s Manuals): Mergent Banking and Finance Manual, Mergent International Manual, Mergent Public Utilities Manual, Mergent Transportation Manual, Mergent OTC Manual. Corporate history, business Properties and subsidiaries, officers and directors, Long-term debt, income statements, balance sheets, and more.
- Middle Search Plus – Primary source documents (including Essential Documents in American History), reference books (including the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia and American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Edition from Houghton Mifflin and the Encyclopedia of Animals), and an image collection of photos, maps and flags.
- Military Database – Periodicals relating to government and military topics, including political science, criminology, defence, aerospace, communications and engineering.
- Military & Government Collection – Full-text articles from military and general interest publications designed to bring current news to all branches of the military. Indexing and abstracts for magazines.
- Military & Intelligence Database – Periodicals relating to government and intelligence topics.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals – The MLA Directory of Periodicals contains all information available on the journals and series on the MLA International Bibliography’s Master List of Periodicals.
- MLA International Bibliography – Critical materials on literature, criticism, drama, languages, linguistics, and folklore.
- Morningstar Investment Research Center – Comprehensive financial databases. Stocks, funds, ETF’s, industries, and portfolio management.
- Music and Dance Online – Music and dance collections, including reference sources, streaming music, videos and sheet music.
- Music Online: African American Music Reference – Reference materials for African American musical expression from Colonial times to the present. Critical works, sheet music, photographs, biographies, discographies, and other types of material.
- Music Online: American Song – Collection of streaming audio files of American roots music and pre-1960 American popular music. Country, folk, bluegrass, Western, old time, American Indian, blues, jazz, gospel, spirituals, and shape note singing.
- Music Online: Classical Music Library – Information about classical music by: Composer, Artist, Conductor, Ensemble, Instrument, Genre, Period, Label, Recording Date, Chamber, Instrumental, Orchestral, Opera + Operetta, Sacred, Stage + Screen, and Vocal + Choral.
- Music Online: Classical Music Reference Library – Western classical music from the medieval to the 21st century. Includes the Baker’s series of musical reference texts: Baker’s Dictionary of Music, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music.
- Music Online: Classical Performance in Video – Database of streaming videos that include performances, master classes in performing and conducting, and documentaries. Videos are equipped with multimedia tools to aid in their study and some scores are available.
- Music Online: Classical Scores Library: Volumes I, II, and II – Large database of printable scores of classical works, from the medieval to contemporary time periods. Includes vocal, piano, study and full scores.
- Music Online: Contemporary World Music – Streaming music tracks, including reggae, worldbeat, neo-traditional, world fusion, Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing, and jazz, along with more traditional genres.
- Music Online: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music – Articles and audio files relating to world music.
- Music Online: Jazz Music Library – Streaming Jazz audio files from 1920 to the present.
- Music Online: Music Periodicals of the 19th Century – periodicals depicting American musical life from 1838 to the early 1900s through local and international news, reviews, editorials, sheet music, and advertisements
- Music Online: Popular Music Library – Popular music from around the world. Streaming audio files from many genres, including alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, and soundtracks.
- Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries – Streaming music tracks from the Smithsonian archives and other music archives from around the world.
- Music Periodicals Database – World of music from the scholarly to popular trends.
- National Archeological Database – From the U.S. National Park Service reports on archeological investigation and planning, mostly of limited circulation.
- National Criminal Justice Ref. Service – Justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide. Resources include statistics, research findings, program descriptions, congressional hearing transcripts, and training materials.
- Natural & Alternative Treatments – Information on conditions and their conventional and natural treatments, herbs and supplements, and drug-herb and drug-supplement interactions.
- Natural Science Collection – Periodicals on a wide range of natural science topics, including agriculture, geosciences, and life sciences.
- Nature – Information for the biological and physical sciences from a combination of Nature, Nature Research Journals, Nature Reviews, Nature Publishing Group (NPG) Academic Journals and NPG Reference publications.
- New York Times: Current or Historical – Full-image archive of The New York Times. The historical database covers 1851 – 2008 and includes a separate search screen for obituaries and death notices. Note: For current items, only select articles (with a limit of 10 articles per month) are available via the NYT website.
- NewsBank including Access World News – Information from local, regional, national and international newspapers, news. business journals, periodicals and more. Full electronic issue of record for nationwide and international sources.
- Newspaper Source Plus – articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines, plus television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
- Newspapers: American Historical Newspapers – Searchable American newspapers.
- Nexis Uni – Authoritative legal, news, public records and business information. Tax and regulatory publications.
- Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets – The most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries.
- Nursing & Allied Health Collection – Professional and scholarly resources for nursing and other health professions.
- OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Library – Monographs, reports, periodicals, and statistical databases.
- OverDrive – Kindle Books, other downloadable e-books, and audiobooks for checkout. Fiction and non-fiction titles.
- Ovid Journals – Full text for journals on various health, science, and technology topics from Ovid.
- Oxford Art Online – Grove Art –The Dictionary of Art, ed. Jane Turner (1996, 34 vols.) and The Oxford Companion to Western Art, ed. Hugh Brigstocke (2001). Ongoing additions of new and updated articles with thumbnail art images and line drawings, and extensive image links.
- Oxford English Dictionary – A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past.
- Oxford Music Online – Grove Music – Full-text encyclopedia articles and dictionary entries covers world music from all areas of history. Overviews of musicians, compositions, styles, and other topics in music. Includes links to images, sound, and other related web sites.
- Papers First – Citations of papers presented at worldwide meetings, conferences, expositions, workshops, congresses, and symposia.
- Periodicals Archive Online – Electronic index to articles published in periodicals in the humanities and social sciences.
- Philosophers Index with Full Text – Full text journal access to philosophy journals from across the world. Includes full text for the Journal of Philosophy.
- Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Collection – Academic journals and magazines related to fitness, kinesiology and sports.
- Pivot – Search for grant, scholarship and research funding opportunities.
- Play Index – Contains citations and abstracts for classical, historical and contemporary plays, as well as descriptive annotations.
- Policy FilesIndex – Reports on public policy from think tanks, research organizations and advocacy groups.
- Pop Culture Collection – Scholarly journals and magazines that both contribute to and analyze pop culture.
- Population Index – Primary reference tool to world’s population research and demography materials. Annotated bibliographies of recently published books, journal articles, and working papers on population topics.
- Primary Search – Full-text to popular magazines designed for elementary school research. Articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Also includes easy-to-read encyclopedia and dictionary entries with photos, maps, and flags.
- Proceedings – Citations of every congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received at The British Library.
- Professional Development Collection – For professional educators. Includes full-text, indexing, and abstracts for journal articles and reports, including children’s health, pedagogical theory and practice, as well as librarianship and counseling.
- Project Muse – Scholarly journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. Subject coverage includes literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, education, gender studies, and economics.
- ProQuest – Searches ProQuest databases: GeoRef, International Indes to Music Periodicals, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Periodicals Archive Online, Physical Education Index, Policy FilesIndex, ProQuest Historical News Papers, Psychology Databases, and SciTech Premium Collection.
- ProQuest Ebooks – Large collection of eBooks on all subjects.
- PsycARTICLES (APA) – Peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology from the American Psychological Association (APA)..
- PsychiatryOnline – DSM-IV-TR®, The American Journal of Psychiatry and psychiatric references from American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences – Emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
- Psychology Collection – Periodicals in all fields of psychology.
- Psychology Journals – Abstracts and indexing to full-text articles and dissertations. Includes behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial, physiological, psychometrics, and social psychology.
- PsycINFO (APA) – Psychology, psychiatry, and related information from the fields of education, business, medicine, nursing, law, and social work.
- PsycTESTS (APA) – Psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration
- Public Library of Science – Open access journals in the areas of biology, medicine, computational biology, genetics, pathogens, ONE, neglected tropical diseases, and clinical trials.
- PubMed – The National Library of Medicine’s preferred web-based search engine in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE, and other related databases.
- Race Relations Abstracts – Bibliographic records covering race relations, ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of relevance to the discipline.
- Race Relations in America – Archival material including audio recordings, survey data, images and more relating to the history of the civil rights movement in America.
- Readers’ Guide Retrospective – Includes almost a century of Readers’ Guide content available in subjects such as aeronautics, aging, astronomy, biographies, business, education, environment, fashion, film, gardening, history, hobbies, leisure activities, literature, music, nutrition, photography, politics, popular culture, radio, religion, science, sports, technology, television, and travel.
- Referencia Latina – Spanish-language database covers subjects inside and outside academia. It has a variety of sources, including reference books, general interest magazines and health reports.
- Regional Business News – Full text coverage for regional business publications: covers business, political, economic and other diverse, international news events.
- Religion & Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) – World religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
- Religion & Philosophy Collection (Gale) – Periodicals related to a wide range of religion and philosophy topics.
- Revolutionary War Archives – Official records, military documents, and other primary sources relating to the American Revolution.
- Sage Journals Online – Sage Publishing titles covering such topics as Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.
- Sage Research Methods – guided support in every step of a research project, from writing a research question, choosing a method, gathering and analyzing data, to writing up and publishing the findings. With information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences, the book, reference, and journal content.
- Science & Technology Collection – Full-text journals covering aeronautics, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, marine sciences and materials science.
- Science Citation Index Expanded – Multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences.
- ScienceDirect – Full-text or abstracts that cover a wide spectrum of disciplines including chemistry, materials science, engineering & technology, environmental science, economics, business & management, neuroscience, pharmacology & toxicology, physics, mathematics & computer science, earth sciences, social sciences, biochemistry, microbiology & immunology, biological sciences, and clinical medicine.
- Science Magazine – Scientific news, commentary and research papers. Includes Science, Science: Signaling, and Science: Translational Medicine.
- SciFinder Scholar – Chemical substance and reaction information (USERNAME and PASSWORD require Tarleton users can request one).
- SciTech Premium Collection – Full text for many science and technology journals, magazines and trade publications from around the world.
- Scribner Writers – Author biographies organized by genre, gender, ethnicity/nationality, time period, and language.
- Serials Directory – provides serials information such as e-mail and Internet address, language, publication frequency, ISSN, Library of Congress, Dewey Decimal Classification and more.
- Short Story Index – The electronic version of the standard reference work (same name). Indexed to short stories written in/translated into English.
- Short Story Retrospective: 1915-1983 – Entries for short stories.
- SIAM (Society for Industrialized and Applied Mathematics) Journals Online – Fifteen peer-reviewed journals with content from 1997-present.
- Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law – Legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. Includes cases, legal commentary, books and pamphlets.
- Small Business Collection – Trade journals and other periodicals related to entrepreneurship, and other areas of small business management.
- Small Business Reference Center – Entrepreneurial help and advises information on business plans, and business videos. Also contains state-specific information.
- Small Engine Repair Reference Center – Repair guides and instructions for many different types of small engines.
- Social Sciences Citation Index – Index of journals across social sciences disciplines, as well as selected, relevant items from scientific and technical journals.
- Social Work Online Videos – a multimedia resource that combines video—compelling documentaries and client demonstrations—with relevant text content to illustrate the complex and challenging realities social work students will face as practitioners.
- Social Work Reference Center – Includes journals on all areas of social work, as well as practical materials such as care sheets, clinical assessment tools, drug information, and patient handouts.
- SocINDEX – All subdisciplines of sociology, including abortion, anthropology, criminology, criminal justice, cultural sociology, demography, economic development, ethnic & racial studies. Also includes full text for books, monographs and conference papers.
- Something About the Author Online – examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text – Full text journals and literature on sports and sports medicine.
- SpringerLINK – Research in biomedicine, life science, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities, and economics.
- Stephenville Empire-Tribune – Daily newspaper for Stephenville, TX and the surrounding Erath County community. Contains issues from 2000-present.
- Sustainability Reference Center – provides content relevant to many integral areas of sustainability initiative management.
- Taylor and Francis Ebooks – ebooks for subjects including Behavioral Sciences, Criminology, Communication Disorders, Psychology,Sport and Exercise Science, etc.
- Taylor and Francis Online – Scholarly journals in the areas of: humanities, social sciences, science and technology.
- Teacher Reference Center – Journals and magazines for professional educators; includes indexing and abstracts.
- – Multimedia content to help teach children and young adult books. Includes lesson plans, audio book readings, and discussion guides in English and Spanish.
- Technology Collection – Scholarly journals and other periodicals on engineering, technology, chemistry, physics, and communications.
- Texas Digital Sanborn Maps – Historical maps of American towns and cities, which show building details (i.e. size, shape, height, function, construction materials, etc.), street names, house and block numbers, property boundaries, pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, etc.
- Texas Legislature Online – Legislative records and information about Texas’ legislators, legislative process, and legislature activities. Links to the Legislative Reference Library and legislators’ contact information.
- Texas Magazines and Documents – Texas topics, with an emphasis is on business, education, history, and government, with magazines of general interest also included.
- Texas Reference Center – Periodicals, books, and newspapers about Texas businesses, culture, history, literature, public health, sports and leisure, etc. Includes biographies and images.
- Texas Register Archive – Archival issues containing information about Texas state agency rulemaking actions, notices of agency rule reviews, governor’s appointments, attorney general opinions, etc. Current files are available on the Texas Secretary of State’s web site.
- TOPICsearch – Current event articles from newspapers (national and international), magazines, and journals, along with public opinion polls, pamphlets, and government documents. Includes images and biographies.
- Twentieth Century American Poetry – Poems from many poetic movements (i.e. Beat Generation, Deep Image, Harlem and Chicago Renaissances, Modernism, Vorticism, Women’s Poetry, etc.) plus ethnic poetry (i.e. Chicano, Asian-American, Native American, etc.).
- Twentieth Century English Poetry – contains poetry of major and movement poets and covers many poetic techniques (i.e. modernist, Georgian, Edwardian, free-verse, post-imperial, war poetry, etc.).
- Twayne’s Authors Series – Information about writers’ lives, interpretations and criticisms of works, and discussions of literary movements. Includes international, American, and English works.
- US Congressional Serial – Primary source materials for American history research. Contains reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
- US Government Information – Full-text of the Congressional Record, Congressional Bills, Public Laws, Federal Register, GAO Reports, and the United States Code.
- US History Collection – Periodicals, including scholarly journals on a variety of topics in US History.
- US History in Context – Reference works, primary sources, and periodicals related to all aspects of US History.
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory – Information on periodicals, scholarly journals, newsletters, newspapers, and monographic series and electronic publications. Provide full descriptions of the periodical, ordering information, and reviews.
- Vanderbilt Television News Archive – Television News Archive at Vanderbilt University (regularly scheduled newscasts from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox News, as well as, special reports and periodic news broadcasts).
- Vocational and Career Collection – Resources appropriate for use in vocational and career programs. Topics include business, agriculture, engineering, and more.
- Vocations, Careers & Technical Education Collection – Career guides, industry journals, and other periodicals to aid in vocational development.
- Wall Street Journal – global and national business reporting. Coverage also includes The Wall Street Journal Online (New York Edition)
- Web of Science – Multidisciplinary information including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
- Westlaw – Primary and secondary legal research resources including news, journals, and reference sources.
- Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide – Literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
- Wiley Online Library – Scientific, technical, medical, and professional journals with reference works and select Wiley ebooks.
- World Cat – Global library catalog that including Tarleton State University Libraries.
- World History Collection – Scholarly journals and magazines from all areas of world history.
- World History in Context – Primary sources, multimedia content, reference sources and more relating to all periods of World History.
- World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean – Primary source documents about Latin America and the Caribbean; academic journals and news feeds covering the region; reference articles and commentary; maps and statistics; audio and video; and more.
- World War II Archives – Photos, military records, official records, and court records from World War II.