Open Access Publishing Agreements for Tarleton Authors

To support more open and sustainable scholarly communication initiatives, Tarleton Libraries has entered into two publisher agreements which allow Tarleton affiliated researchers and authors to publish their accepted journal articles open access (OA) without needing to pay an article processing charge (APC). Each publisher will still go through the peer-review process for submitted articles. After article acceptance and publication, readers around the world will then be able to view and access the article without encountering a paywall.  Open access allows for greater exposure of your research and the potential for higher citations and more downloads. For more information about open access please visit our Scholarly Communication Subject Guide to view definitions and common questions about open access. 

American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society publishes a wide range of high-quality journals through their platform, ACS Publications. There are many journals in the sciences qualified for OA publishing per the established agreement.

  • This agreement provides you with full reading access to all ACS journals, as well as enabling you to publish open access at no cost in any of ACS’ fully open access and hybrid journals.
  • The publication must have a corresponding author affiliated with Tarleton in order to have the article processing charge fully covered. You must have your affiliation is correct in ACS Paragon Plus when you submit.
  • Creative Commons license can also be selected to determine how readers use your article. All Creative Commons licenses require proper attribution while allowing authors to determine how their article is shared and used.
  • Visit the Texas A&M Library Consortium page (of which Tarleton is listed as a participating institution) for guidance on eligibility, journals covered by the agreement, and how to submit your research.

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of high-quality journals through their platform, Cambridge Core. There are over 370 journals in the sciences, humanities, social sciences, technology, and medicine qualified for OA publishing per the established agreement.

  • Publications eligible under agreement include research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, and case report.
  • The publication must have a corresponding author affiliated with Tarleton in order to have the article processing charge fully covered. The libraries’ agreement has prepaid these fees.
  • Creative Commons license can also be selected to determine how readers use your article. All Creative Commons licenses require proper attribution while allowing authors to determine how their article is shared and used.
  • Visit the Read & Publish – Texas A&M Library Consortium page (of which Tarleton is listed as a participating institution) for guidance on eligibility, journals covered by the agreement, and how to submit your research.
  • Agreement in place through end of 2025; subject to renewal.

Company of Biologists

The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publishing organization dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. The publisher believes that offering immediate and free access to research is essential to supporting the scientific community. Publishing open access allows for easier compliance with funder mandates and provides higher visibility of articles.

  • Agreement covers immediate, fee-free publishing of Gold Open Access research articles for corresponding authors at Tarleton within the following three hybrid titles: Journal of Cell ScienceJournal of Experimental Biology, and Development.
  • Articles are shared under a Creative Commons CC-BY license terms, and authors retain their copyright. This license agreement allows for the free sharing and reuse of articles, while still requiring appropriate attribution and citation.
  • Visit the Read & Publish guide for authors for steps to submit an article.
  • Agreement in place through end of 2025; subject to renewal.

APC Discounts


Through our Elsevier agreement, our faculty can get a 15% discount on APCs for Gold core Elsevier journals and a 10% discount on APCs for Hybrid core Elsevier journals. Eligible titles include Elsevier-owned hybrid and fully gold journals, with the exception of Cell Press and The Lancet, and certain Society titles. 

Other OA options

While Tarleton has entered agreements with two publishers, they are not the only options for open access publishing. There are different methods for protecting authors rights and freely sharing research. Librarians can help find reputable OA journals and offer guidance on how to openly share your work.

  • Directory of Open Access Journals – A directory of verified open access, reputable journals across virtually every subject.
  • Share Your Paper – This tool uses an article’s DOI to find an open access version. If one is not available, it will recommend the easiest way to openly share your article.
  • SPARC Author Addendum – Add this addendum to publishing agreements to allow you to retain certain copyrights to your work.

Contact Us:

Tracy Holtman

Associate Director of Access & Collection Services
Library Administration