The Peanut Industry in Dublin
By Frank Chamberlain
Peanut farming is one of the chief sources of income for families near Dublin. Although the product had been grown and sold within the community for years, the Woldert Peanut Mill was founded in 1928 and soon became the primary processing plant in the area. Lee White was instrumental in establishing Woldert Peanut Products Co., which he managed from the first year of operation until his retirement in 1973. Over the years, White was very active in the peanut growing community, serving the Southwestern Peanut Shellers Association. He acted as president of this organization during the 1940s, served on the board of directors for over twenty years, and was a member of several committees within the group. In 1971, Woldert Peanut Products Co. was sold and became operational as a corporate entity. It was able to shell an estimated 11,900 tons of peanuts per growing season. Peanuts were sent from growing regions all over Texas to be shelled and shipped all around the country.
“Woldert Peanut Mill Off And Running”, The Dublin Progress, June 13, 1974.