Adulting 101: Study Tips
Time Management

Adulting 101: Time Management
March 11th: 6:00 p.m. in the Library Multipurpose Room

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Fiber Arts Club
Fiber Arts Club

Monday, March 24th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. in the Dick Smith Library Multipurpose room. Everyone is Welcome!

Create a Vision board
Create your Vision (board)

April 9, 4p.m. - 6p.m. Main floor of the library. Come visualize your future!

Tarleton Author Talks
Vaquero Exhibit

February 27th through April 17th. On the main floor of the Dick Smith Library.

Stress re-Duck-tion
Stress Re-Duck-tion
Stress re-Duck-tion

Oscar P wants to play a game! Starting in March, you can search for study ducks hidden in the library and claim a sheet of bubble wrap for some soothing, stress-free fun!

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Four students in Tarleton State University apparel stand indoors.

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