Off-Campus Services
Tarleton State University Libraries endeavor to meet the information access needs of distance learners. All Distance learners are encouraged to take advantage of available Online Reference Service, Interlibrary Loan, Online Research Resources and Circulation Service available from the Tarleton Libraries.
Distance learners that need home/office delivery of materials and meet eligibility requirements will need to register for this service each semester. Please use the form at the bottom of the page to register as a distance student. You will use your Tarleton NTNET username and password to access your Interlibrary Loan account for electronic and mail delivery.
Although many key library services are available electronically, users should plan ahead and begin their research as early in the semester as possible. Delivery of materials may be impacted by availability, format and processing time.
Request Items
- Informational Brochures for each instruction site
- Interlibrary Loan Account
- Ingenta: Order articles for a fee