The Department of Mathematics provides programs of study that prepare students who are: 1) seeking to teach mathematics at the secondary level; 2) seeking employment in industry; or 3) seeking to pursue graduate study in Mathematics. A minor in Mathematics requires a minimum of 18 hours of MATH (of which at least 6 hours must be advanced) and including MATH 2414.
On the graduate level, the Master of Science in Mathematics provides a program of study that prepares students additionally (beyond the undergraduate level) for employment in industry. Students completing the M.S. in Mathematics also receive preparatory work for pursuing a doctoral degree in mathematics or mathematics education.
Here is the Schedule of Course Offerings.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
(General Without Teacher Certification)
Optional Concentrations:
- Bio-mathematics
- Financial Analysis
- Data Analysis
- Pre-Actuarial
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Medical/Dental
- Technical Writing
- Environmental Mathematics
- BS – Mathematics (Catalog)
- Degree Plan/Advising Guide
- Student Organizations
- Student Worker Jobs Available
- Mathematics Support Field Form
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- BS – Mathematics (Catalog)
- Degree Plan/Advising Guide
- Student Organizations
- Student Worker Jobs Available
- Mathematics Support Field Form
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- BS – Mathematics (Catalog)
- Degree Plan/Advising Guide
- Student Organizations
- Student Worker Jobs Available
- Mathematics Support Field Form