Full Time Faculty

Dr. Kathy Smith
Department Head Mathematics; Professor
Email: ksmith@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 142
Phone: 254-968-9167
More Info:
- Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2000
- M. Ed., Tarleton State University, 1990
- B.S., Tarleton State University, 1984
Teaching Interests: Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Education, Integration of Mathematics and Science
Research Interests: Development of Academic Language in Mathematics and Development of Numerical Fluency

Dr. Peter White
Associate Department Head Mathematics; Professor
Email: white@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 142F
Phone: 254-968-1982
More Info:
- Ph.D, Mathematics (Numerical Analysis), 1994, Oregon State University, advisor: Andre Weideman
- M.S., Mathematics (Applied PDE’s), 1990, Oregon State University
- B.S., Mathematics (Applied Option), 1987, Cal. State Univ. at Chico (CSUC)
- B.S., Computer Science (Science Option), 1987, CSUC.
Teaching Interests: Numerical Analysis/Nonlinear PDE’s, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling/Analysis of Biological Systems, Computational Biology, Internet Delivery Systems for Mathematics
Research Interests: Biomathematics and Simulations
Visit Dr. White’s Website.

Sandy Almon
Visiting Instructor
Email: salmon1@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 202
Phone: 254-968-1764

Brentley Bendewald
Instructor; STEM Student Success Coordinator
Email: bbendewald@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 216
Phone: 254-968-9538

Dr. Bowen Brawner
Email: brawner@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 330
Phone: 254-968-9302
More Info:
- Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 2001
- M.S., Southwest Texas State University 1995
- B.A., The University of Texas at Austin, 1993
Teaching Interests: Mathematics Education
Visit Dr. Brawner’s Website.

Diane Casey
Email: scasey@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 235B
Phone: 254-968-9410

Megdam Chowdhury
Email: mchowdhury@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 115
Phone: 254-968-5910

Dr. Scott Cook
Associate Professor; Chief Data Scientist – Office of the President, University Strategy
Email: scook@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 132
Phone: 254-968-1958
More info:
- Ph.D., in Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis, 2011
- B.S., in Chemistry & Physics, Southern Nazarene University, 2002
Teaching Interests: Data Science, Discrete Math, Dynamical Systems, Probability & Statistics, and directing student research at the undergraduate and graduate levels
Research Interests:
- Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence predictive models applied to:
- Higher Educational Leadership & Strategy,
- Crop Insurance Anomaly Detection
- Sustainable Development.
- Redistricting & Gerrymandering
- Bayesian Disease Modeling
- Billiard Dynamics
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Applied Network Analysis
Visit Dr. Cook’s Website

Dr. Jesse Crawford
Email: jcrawford@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 332
Phone: 254-968-9536
More Info:
- Ph.D., in Mathematics, Indiana University, 2008.
- B.S. in Mathematics, Angelo State University, 2002.
Teaching Interests:Teaching mathematics and statistics courses and directing student research at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Research Interests: Theoretical statistics, including the study of multivariate normal models given by group symmetries or graphs. Applied statistics, including applications of linear regression models and logistic regression models. I am also interested in education research, financial mathematics, mathematical biology, and game theory.
Visit Dr. Crawford’s Website.

Dr. Aria Dougherty
Email: adougherty@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 207
Phone: 254-968-1757

Dr. Keith Emmert
Email: emmert@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 309
Phone: 254-968-9161
More Info:
- Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Texas Tech University, 2004
- M.S., Mathematics, Louisiana State University, 1999
- B.S., Applied Mathematics, Southeastern Louisiana University, 1996
Teaching Interests: I am interested in teaching both theoretical as well as applied class ranging from Calculus through graduate level. Involving students in undergraduate as well as graduate research, and thesis direction is another aspect of education that is important to me.
Research Interests: To date, my research has focused on the development of new deterministic and stochastic epidemic models for the spread of disease in a structured host population. Past models have been included difference as well as differential equations with either fixed or periodic coefficients. Current epidemic models include amphibian movement between ponds and competition/predation amongst different species. I use theory as well as simulations to investigate the richness of the models.
Ongoing interdepartmental collaborative work includes studying dairy mastitis and forecast modeling of downy mildew on onions.
Future directions in research include investigating the robustness of stability results, animal movement models, patch models studying the spread and control of influenza, and population genetics. Parallel algorithms and genetic algorithms will most likely be of great use in exploring these new topics.

Sidne Erwin
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Email: serwin@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 202
Phone: 254-968-1764

John Gresham
Associate Professor
Email: jgresham@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 235C
Phone: 254-968-1954
More Info:
- B.S., in Mathematics, Tarleton State College, 1968
- M.S., in Mathematics, Texas Christian University, 1971
- Ph.D., in Mathematics, Texas Christian University, 1974
Teaching Interests: Communicating mathematics on the internet
Visit Dr. Gresham’s Website.

Janice Groseclose
Email: groseclose@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 326
Phone: 254-968-1770

Courtney Holland
Email: cholland@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 117
Phone: 254-968-1765

Amanda Kodua
Email: akodua@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 216
Phone: 254-968-1907

Jordan McCain
Instructor; T.E.A.M. Advisor
Email: jmccain@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 107
Phone: 254-968-9533

Chris Mitchell
Assistant Professor; Math Club Advisor
Email: cmitchell@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 131
Phone: 254-968-9543

David Osei
Email: dosei@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 303
Phone: 254-968-1768

Dr. Elizabeth Riggs
Professor; Undergraduate Advisor, Math Majors; Teacher Certification
Email: eriggs@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 142F
Phone: 254-968-1907
More Info:
- Ed.D., in Curriculum & Instruction (Mathematics Education Emphasis), Baylor University, 2003
- M.S., in Mathematics, Tarleton State University, 1995
- B.S., in Mathematics, Tarleton State University, 1992
Teaching Interests: I enjoy teaching a variety of mathematics courses ranging from Developmental Mathematics through Calculus II and Geometry. In addition, I love working with pre-service teachers at the elementary, middle school, and secondary level.

John Robinett
Email: jrobinett@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 202
Phone: 254-968-1722
More Info:
- M.S., Mathematics, Tarleton State University
- B.A., Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Teaching Interests: I am interested in teaching developmental and freshman level math classes. I am also interested in finding, modifying, and/or developing effective pedagogies and activities to enable students to learn math efficiently and understand mathematical concepts. I enjoy using discovery and inquiry-based lessons, as well as interactive lessons designed to involve students in learning.

Colleen Seaman
Email: seaman@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 318
Phone: 254-968-9988

Tahsin Shahnewaz
Email: tshahnewaz@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 116
Phone: 254-968-9304

Nancy Summer
Email: summer@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 235E
Phone: 254-968-1746

Dr. Bryant Wyatt
Professor; Undergraduate Advisor, Mathematics Majors
Email: wyatt@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 312
Phone: 254-968-9530
More Info:
- Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, 1992
- M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, 1987
- B.S., Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, 1985
- B.A., Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, 1988
- Degree, Ranch Management, Texas Christian University, 2001
Teaching Interests: My teaching style is Socratic and I enjoy teaching applied mathematics courses.
Research Interests: Computational Mathematics and Particle Modeling.
Graduate Teaching Assistants & Specials

Joseph Morrison
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Email: sw_jmorrison@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 338
Phone: 254-968-1772

Dustin Neighbors
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Email: sw_dneighbors@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 338
Phone: 254-968-1772

Vianey Rangle
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Email: sw_vrangle@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 338
Phone: 254-968-1772
Adjunct Faculty

Tammy Calhoun
Adjunct Faculty
Email: tcalhoun@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 303
Phone: 254-968-1768

Vasiliki Martinez
Adjunct Faculty
Email: vmartinez1@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 303
Phone: 254-968-1768

James Wood
Adjunct Faculty
Email: jwood@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 303
Phone: 254-968-1768
Undergraduate Student Workers

Al’Karaegon Pollard
Student Worker; Media Intern
Email: sw_apollard@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 142
Phone: 254-968-9168

Lauren Rowden
Student Worker
Email: sw_lrowden@tarleton.edu
Office: MATH 142
Phone: 254-968-9168