Explore Graduate Level Courses – Coming Soon!

Master’s Courses

  • NRSC 5306 : Behavioral Neuroscience
    • Surveys the neuroscientific basis of behavior and provides an advanced appraisal of the in-depth mechanisms of the nervous system.
  • NRSC 5315 : Physiological Psychology
    • Surveys the inter-disciplinary knowledge of the advanced structure and function of physiological systems that underlie psychological processes.

Doctoral Courses

  • NRSC 6306 : Behavioral Neuroscience
    • Surveys the neuroscientific basis of behavior and provides an advanced appraisal of the in-depth mechanisms of the nervous system at a doctoral level.
  • NRSC 6312 : Neuropharmacology
    • An advanced exploration of the neural mechanisms of the effects of drugs on the nervous system.
  • NRSC 6313 : Animal Behavior
    • Explores the knowledge of animal behavior from a neuroscientific perspective. Students will curate a curiosity of the natural world using a scientific lens.
  • NRSC 6315 : Physiological Psychology
    • Surveys the inter-disciplinary knowledge of the advanced structure and function of physiological systems that underlie psychological processes at a doctoral level.
  • NRSC 6390 : Topics in Neuroscience
    • Surveys the inter-disciplinary knowledge of an advanced topic in neuroscience.