Dr. Max Sanderford, Ph.D.
Professor and Interim Department Head & Associate Dean
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Biological Sciences
Email: sanderford@tarleton.edu
Office: SCI

Dr. Amber Harris Bozer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience & Psychophysiology Lab
Email: bozer@tarleton.edu
Office: EJ Howell 101

Dr. Micheal Luera, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Health and Human Performance
Human Performance Lab
Email: luera@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-918-9377
Office: Wisdom 108F

Dr. Jesús Hernández-Sarabia
Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Health and Human Performance
The Sensory-Motor Neurointegration Laboratory (SMN)
Email: jhernandez1@tarleton.edu
Office: Science 139G

Mr. Tracy Brown, MS
Visiting Instructor
Department of Neuroscience
Email: twbrown@tarleton.edu

Tori Civitello
Administration Associate
Department of Neuroscience
Email: tcivitello@tarleton.edu
Office: Science 119G