Undergraduate Program
Welcome to the undergraduate education page for the Department of Neuroscience. We are pleased to offer a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience and a Neuroscience Minor. This department advocates for the understanding of the nervous system by providing students with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to analyze and contribute to the multidisciplinary research programs in our field.
Degree Options

Neuroscience Major
Our Neuroscience major offers a comprehensive education in the principles and practices that underpin the functioning of the nervous system. This curriculum takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating biology, psychology, chemistry, physics, and computational science to provide a holistic understanding of the nervous system. We provide a hands-on learning experience in which students gain practical experience with modern techniques used in neuroscience research. Our faculty are dedicated to mentoring and guiding our students through their academic journey and take we take pride in knowing we were a part of your educational success.
Neuroscience Minor
Our Neuroscience minor provides a robust introduction to the principles and practices of neuroscience, making it an excellent addition for students majoring in biology, psychology, computer science, engineering, and other related fields. Gain interdisciplinary insights and enhance your understanding of how the nervous system influences behavior, cognition, and overall health. This curriculum takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating biology, psychology, chemistry, physics, and computational science to provide a holistic understanding of the nervous system. We provide a hands-on learning experience in which students gain practical experience with modern techniques used in neuroscience research.