STEPHENVILLE, Texas — The Journal of Social Media in Society has hit a milestone — its 10th year as an open access peer-reviewed publication. The latest issue is at
“The JSMS was created to advance the study of social media with theory, research and practice from all methodological frameworks,” said cofounding editor Sarah Maben, a communication studies Associate Professor. “We have reviewed more than 1,200 manuscripts from scholars across the globe and are so thankful for all of our Tarleton partners and supporters.”
The journal was incubated by the Texas Social Media Research Institute at Tarleton State University.

Dr. Maben and Dr. Credence Baker, Professor of Educational Technology, started the journal to give authors a place to publish cutting edge research devoted to social media and mobile technology. In 2016 Dr. Amber Harris Bozer became the journal’s first associate editor; Dr. Randy McCamey followed shortly after. In 2018 Yvonne Mulhern became the journal’s first book review editor.
The journal boasts more than 100 reviewers from institutions worldwide. More than 1,200 manuscripts have been submitted, many from international authors. Downloads of abstracts and full .pdfs have hit the one million mark.
In her editor’s letter for the most recent issue, Dr. Maben salutes the interdisciplinary team of editors and reviewers who champion social media research. Some reviewers have been with the journal since its inception.
“The dedication of our team is humbling,” she said. “Reviewers analyze research articles out of their desire to help the next wave of knowledge, offering advice and guidance that shape the new discoveries.”
The Journal of Social Media in Society is one of the handful of academic journals based at Tarleton and is supported financially by the College of Liberal and Fine Arts, College of Business, College of Graduate Studies and College of Education.
A founding member of The Texas A&M University System, Tarleton is breaking records — in enrollment, research, scholarship, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — while transforming the lives of more than 15,000 students in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian, A&M RELLIS at Bryan and online. True to Tarleton’s values of excellence, integrity, and respect, academic programs emphasize real world learning and address regional, state and national needs.
A founding member of The Texas A&M System, Tarleton State University is breaking records — in enrollment, research, scholarship, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — while transforming the lives of approximately 18,000 students in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Bryan and online. For 125 years, Tarleton State has been committed to accessible higher education opportunities for all while helping students grow academically, socially and professionally through programs that emphasize real world learning and address regional, state and national needs.