Tarleton’s Program for Astronomy Education and Research holds its annual fall Star Party from 6-11 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1 at the Hunewell Ranch observatory.
Dr. Michael Huggins has been named dean of Tarleton State University’s College of Science and Technology, effective Jan. 13, 2020. He served in a similar position at the University of West Florida, where he now teaches in the Department of Chemistry and leads research focused on the synthesis of organic molecules.
Tarleton State University’s academic colleges will showcase research projects during the annual Research and Scholarship Appreciation Week set Oct. 28-Nov. 1.
The 24th annual North Texas Skywatch Star Party arrives on Saturday, Oct. 26 at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. Star Party activities begin at 6:30 p.m. and stargazers and astronomy fans are invited to continue to search the skies throughout the evening.
Tarleton State University professor Dr. Thomas Faulkenberry will represent the Mathematical Association of America on the Joint Committee on Statistics Education, an endeavor of the MAA and the American Statistical Association. The committee exists to stimulate change in undergraduate statistical education.
Students from Dixie Smith’s fourth-grade science class in Comanche visited Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Biological Field Station near Goldthwaite recently for some hands-on learning.
Tarleton State University biology student Grace Johnson has been selected to participate in the national Research Experience for Undergraduates Oct. 27-28 in Arlington, Va.
The Texas A&M University Board of Regents has officially named Dr. James L. Hurley as Tarleton State University’s 16th president, following the 21-day notice required by law. Regents named Hurley the sole finalist Aug. 8.