The 2018 fall calendar of Tarleton State University’s Department of Fine Arts launches Aug. 28 at the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center Gallery with the annual faculty art exhibition.
The combination of abundant area talent and Tarleton State University programs is a big reason Stephenville’s music environment is so vital. That combination can now bring recognition to musicians and related businesses statewide through a new certification offered by the Texas Music Office.
Tarleton State University associate professor of art Chris Ireland is the featured artist at a solo photographic exhibition at Texas Tech beginning in late August.
STEPHENVILLE, Texas — The gallery of the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center on the Stephenville campus of Tarleton State University will host an exhibit featuring the work of the Dublin Rippers quilting club Tuesday, June 26, through Friday, August 3.
The Tarleton State University Choral Program is preparing to embark on a week-long tour of China where the singers will perform as part of the Xi’an International Choral Festival, July 4-12.
Summer is camp time at Tarleton State University. During June and July, students have options to learn more about their passions from expert instructors and participate in hands-on learning opportunities.
Two undergraduate students from Tarleton State University have been selected to participate in an intensive musical study this summer as part of the World Youth Wind Orchestra Project in Schladming, Austria.