Dr. Mary Hensley and Dr. James Hurley
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
STEPHENVILLE, Texas — One of the fastest growing regional universities in the country and the leading transfer community college in Texas cemented an agreement this afternoon as a national prototype to boost educational opportunities for transfer students who graduate from two-year schools.
As part of its Distinguished College Partnership, Tarleton State University will provide annual scholarships, from $500 to $2,000, to Blinn College District transfer students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Awards will be divided between fall and spring semesters based on enrollment and will be renewable up to three years with satisfactory academic progress. Application fees will be waived for those with demonstrated need.
The multimillion-dollar investment aligns with the 122-year vision of Tarleton’s founder to provide a high-quality university education to students who otherwise might not have the chance.
“Our Distinguished College Partnership with Blinn College District deepens our determination for educational opportunity and affordability,” said Tarleton President James Hurley. “Today’s agreement strengthens our partnership and our combined commitment to ensure success for all students.”
Tarleton and Blinn also are partners in the RELLIS Academic Alliance — the newest model of higher education in Texas. Students begin studies at Blinn College in Bryan, then continue their education onsite with leading universities throughout The Texas A&M University System.
Tarleton currently offers undergraduate degrees in criminal justice, criminal justice administration, general studies, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering technology, public administration and social work at the RELLIS Campus. Bachelor’s degrees in kinesiology and kinesiology with an exercise and sport studies concentration launch in fall 2022.
“We are excited to expand our partnership with Tarleton as members of the Distinguished College Partnership,” said Dr. Mary Hensley, Chancellor of the Blinn College District. “Our close collaboration with Tarleton provides a seamless pathway to affordable bachelor’s degree programs, encouraging students to aim higher and pursue their dreams.”
Tarleton is developing similar agreements with other two-year colleges in the region, in concert with the President’s Transfer Guaranteed Award Program. T-GAP assures scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,500 per year for students admitted from two-year colleges. Award amounts are enhanced for students graduating from one of Tarleton’s Distinguished College Partners.
For more information on T-GAP, go to https://www.tarleton.edu/becomeatexan/transfer-GAP.html. To learn more about Distinguished College Partnership scholarships, visit https://www.tarleton.edu/admissions/transfer/distinguished-college-partners.html.
About Blinn College District
With innovative programs and award-winning co-enrollment partnerships, Blinn’s academic transfer rate ranks No. 1 among Texas community colleges. Courses are available online and at five Central Texas campuses. Students save 44 percent in tuition and fees compared to the average state university. For more information, visit www.blinn.edu.Contacts:
Ceciila Jacobs, Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Tarleton State University
Office: 254-968-1620
Richard Bray, Director of Communications, Media Relations and Marketing, Blinn College District
Office: 979-209-7285