Antonio Garcia
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
BRYAN, Texas — With the creation of the Texas A&M University System RELLIS Academic Alliance, Antonio Garcia can now earn a degree in criminal justice at Tarleton State University while keeping fuel in his gas tank.
Garcia, a student at Blinn College in Bryan, wants to earn the degree that will put him on track for a career as a Texas Department of Public Safety officer.
At the RELLIS Campus, he found the opportunity to earn this degree and stay close to home.
“It was a pleasant surprise to hear that a criminal justice bachelor’s degree will be offered in this area,” he said. “It is less than 20 miles from where I live, affordable, and it will be easy to transfer my Blinn courses to Tarleton.”
Located in Bryan, the RELLIS Campus fosters cutting-edge research, technology development, higher education and workforce training. Through the Academic Alliance, students can complete their freshman- and sophomore-level courses through Blinn College, then seamlessly complete their bachelor’s degree in related fields from an A&M System regional university — Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Tarleton State University, Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M International University, West Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, Texas A&M University-Kingsville and Texas A&M University-Central Texas.
Blinn will open the 83,000-square-foot Walter C. Schwartz Building at the RELLIS Campus in August. All RELLIS students will utilize the 19 classrooms and eight laboratories during the first academic year.
Located across the street from Blinn’s facility at RELLIS, the RELLIS academic building is scheduled for completion in June 2019. Upper-division RELLIS students will complete their bachelor’s degrees there.
In addition to a seamless transition, the RELLIS Academic Alliance offers competitive tuition. Students enrolled in upper-division courses will pay $295 per semester credit hour, or $8,850 for a 15-hour course load for the fall and spring semesters — almost $2,000 less than other universities in the region.
Garcia will earn his Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice from Blinn before completing his Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice through Tarleton at the RELLIS Campus. The degree features courses that prepare students for career entry or promotion in a variety of criminal justice areas, as well as for federal employment or graduate study.
He looks forward to interacting with faculty composed of police officers, correctional staff and criminal law professionals who integrate textbook material with professional practices to provide insight into the justice system.
“The RELLIS Academic Alliance is bringing bigger and better opportunities closer to my hometown,” he said. “It is a great feeling to be part of a new and innovative concept.”
Blinn recently enrolled its 1,000th student for the fall semester on the RELLIS Campus.
Fall 2018 offerings at the RELLIS Campus include:
• Bachelor of Business Administration from A&M-Corpus Christi
• Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from Tarleton State
• Bachelor of Science in public administration from Tarleton State
• Bachelor of Science in biology from TAMUT
• Bachelor of Science in health science from WTAMU
• Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in criminal justice from TAMIU
• Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in nursing from PVAMU
Anticipated fall 2019 offerings at the RELLIS Campus feature:
• Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) in business management from A&M-Central Texas
• Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from PVAMU
• Bachelor of Arts in psychology from A&M-Kingsville
Tarleton, founding member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience, marked by academic innovation and a dedication to transform today’s scholars into tomorrow’s leaders. Offering degree programs in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online to more than 13,000 students, Tarleton engages with communities through real-world learning experiences to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Phil Riddle, News and Information Specialist