Tarleton Alumni Association 2018 Awards
Monday, February 19, 2018
STEPHENVILLE, Texas—Tarleton State University honored two distinguished alumni, a former staff member and a local electrical contractor and distinguished friend Saturday, Feb. 17, during the Tarleton Alumni Association’s (TAA) annual dinner and awards banquet.
Tarleton President F. Dominic Dottavio and Tarleton Alumni Association (TAA) President Ken Dorris Jr. (’81) welcomed nearly 350 former students, friends of the university and their families to the University Gala, where two distinguished alumni were presented bronze medallions and crystal awards.
This year’s TAA Distinguished Alumnus is Nancy Golden Turley (’79). Honored as Outstanding Young Alumnus for 2018 was Dr. Jason Mogonye (’02). The TAA also named Sandra Cox as its 2018 Distinguished Faculty/Staff and Stephenville City Electric Inc. as Distinguished Friend.
“Tonight is about celebrating people who truly make a difference, celebrating a great university and celebrating the great contributions each of you make in helping define Tarleton’s direction and success,” Dottavio said to the award winners. “You represent our core values, and represent them well.”
Mrs. Nancy Golden Turley – Distinguished Alumnus
Nancy Golden Turley served as Tarleton’s first female student body president. She graduated summa cum laude from Tarleton in 1979 with a bachelor’s of business administration degree in accounting. While a student, she was a member of Gamma Sigma Sigma Service Sorority and Tau Beta Chi Business Chapter.
Turley served four years in Student Government, first as a member of the Student Senate, then as student body vice president and ultimately as president in 1978-79. Other honors as a student included election as Miss TSU, receiving the Accounting Excellence Award from the Texas Society of CPAs and listing in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. Her imprint at Tarleton lives on through a campus street named in her honor—Nancy Golden Drive.
Turley’s 39-year professional career has been spent working for Tarleton Distinguished Alumnus and benefactor Mike A. Myers. Currently, she is chief financial officer for the Dallas-based Myers Financial Corporation. She is responsible for managerial and financial matters as well as accounting and tax reporting for Myers’ corporate holdings, including residential real estate development, country club operations and numerous other investments. She also serves as a trustee and secretary for the Mike A. Myers Foundation, established by Mike Myers, who recently gifted $2.4 million for the expansion and renovation of Tarleton Memorial Stadium.
Turley’s close bond with Tarleton has continued through the years, serving multiple terms on the TAA board of directors—1984-93 and 2008-12. She was TAA president in 1990-92 and treasurer in 2009-12.
Dr. Jason Mogonye – Outstanding Young Alumnus
Dr. Jason Mogonye, M.D., is a member of Tarleton State University’s Class of 2002, graduating from the Presidential Honors Program and summa cum laude from the College of Science and Technology. Mogonye was granted membership into Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society while at Tarleton and continued his academic legacy at Texas Tech University’s Health Sciences Center School of Medicine.
He received his doctorate of medicine (M.D.) in 2006 and was named the Outstanding Medical Student in Sports Medicine upon graduation. He completed his residency in family medicine as well as his fellowship in sports medicine at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth.
Mogonye’s achievements include recognition as Diplomat for the American Board of Family Medicine and a Certificate of Added Qualifications in Sports Medicine. Other awards and honors include Sports Medicine Teacher of the Year and Chief Fellow at JPS Hospital, and more than a dozen scholarly presentations. He currently serves as team physician for Texas Christian University, Texas Wesleyan University, the Justin Rodeo Sports Medicine Team, and Arlington and Fort Worth ISDs.
Mogonye is a loyal member of the Tarleton family, routinely returning to campus to visit with students enrolled in the Honors College and Presidential Honors Program. As a proud Tarleton alumnus, he gives back each year, providing financial resources to sponsor honors students and support the Tarleton Athletics program.
Mrs. Sandra Cox – Distinguished Faculty / Staff
Sandra Cox began her distinguished career at Tarleton as a student worker in 1961 while pursuing her degree. She later returned to become executive director in charge of university budgets, payroll and human resources. Cox retired as Vice President Jerry Graham’s “right hand woman” utilizing her vast knowledge of the budget system at Tarleton and her excellent management of both budget and payroll.
Cox left a legacy of high expectations and was complimented by all those she worked with.
“Sandra was a valued member of the Finance and Administration team,” Graham said. “She was the consummate professional, highly knowledgeable in her area of responsibility, very supportive of her staff as well as faculty, staff and students across all divisions of the university. Her dedication and commitment to Tarleton was sincere and without question as she always put Tarleton first.”
Echoing Graham’s sentiments, President Emeritus Dr. Dennis P. McCabe said, “With a deep and quiet strength, Sandra Cox served Tarleton with great distinction. Her work was exceptional. Her record of employment was exemplary. Her quiet and firm resolve to serve others as she would like to be served gave her focus and intent.
“She is a Tarleton alumnus. It is clear that her notable career was impacted by her deep devotion to and love of the Purple and White. She still cares deeply about her alma mater. I believe she has earned the title of Distinguished Staff and the honor that accompanies it.”
Stephenville City Electric Inc. – Distinguished Friend
E.L. Stephens established City Electric in Stephenville in 1949, molding the company into a top-notch business that soon had a reputation for providing quality, dependable electrical work.
Stephens owned and operated the successful business for 33 years before deciding to hang up his tool belt and sell the business to someone he felt could maintain the same quality of work and ethics that he had. David Bragg was that man.
In 1982, Stephens asked Bragg to buy the company. Bragg jumped at the chance. In 1986, Bragg felt that the growing company needed to broaden its horizons, so he incorporated the electric company under the name “Stephenville City Electric Inc.”
Since 1982, Bragg has not only maintained the same level of excellence that Stephens originally established, but has expanded and molded the company into a business of distinction.
Recipients of the TAA awards are selected from nominations. To nominate an individual for a 2019 award, visit www.tarleton.edu/ORG/alumniassociation.
Tarleton, founding member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience, marked by academic innovation and a dedication to transform today’s scholars into tomorrow’s leaders. Offering degree programs in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online to more than 13,000 students, Tarleton engages with communities through real-world learning experiences to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Kurt Mogonye, Senior Communications Specialist