Bike Share at Tarleton
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
STEPHENVILLE, Texas—Thanks to a new bike-share program, getting around campus gets easier this fall at Tarleton State University.
The program rolls out the first week of the fall semester and includes 35 bicycles at six locations on the Stephenville campus: Hunewell Annex, Centennial Hall, the Horticulture Center, Lillian Street Commuter Parking Lot P41 and Lot P20N near the water storage tank and intramural fields.
The bike-share program provides a safe and sustainable alternative transportation for the university community via a partnership with Zagster, a leading provider of bike-sharing services on college and university campuses nationwide.
A collaborative effort of the Division of Student Life and overseen by the Recreational Sports Department, the bike-share program supports the university’s goal to create a more sustainable campus, said Daron Trussell, associate director of recreational sports.
Eight-gear cruiser bicycles by Zagster feature adjustable seats, front and rear lights, a U-lock and handlebar basket.
Registering for the bike-share program is simple. Riders sign up by downloading the Zagster mobile app, available for both iPhone and Android. To use the app, riders enter the unique ID number found on the bike they wish to use. An access code for the lock box is then provided.
Riders can checkout a bike for free for up to three hours. Rides over three hours are charged an additional $3 per hour—up to $24—or for eight additional hours. If a bicycle is kept for more than 24 hours, a $20 fee is assessed.
All bicycles are equipped with a flexible lock that riders can use for the duration of their rental to lock and unlock the bike anywhere along their trip. Riders can take bicycles off campus and into the Stephenville community.
Trussell said the program improves student parking.
“Parking is somewhat limited for students on campus. Why drive anywhere on campus, whether you’re a commuter or residential student? You can ride a bike, and you don’t have to hassle with finding a parking space,” he said.
Complete details about Tarleton’s bike-share program, pricing, locations on campus and FAQs are available at Users also can view a “How to Ride with Zagster” video on YouTube:
As a reminder, bicycles are considered vehicles in the state of Texas. Riders are liable for any injuries caused to pedestrians, and for property damage. Riders are required to follow the same rules of the road as cars, with some exceptions. When you ride your bike, you should:
• Alert pedestrians as you approach them from behind by calling out,“Passing on left!”
• Yield to pedestrians.
• Ride at safe speeds.
• Ride as close as practicable to the right curb or in designated bike lanes.
• Use hand and arm signals.
• Keep at least one hand on your handle bars at all times.
• Never ride against the flow of traffic.
• Give an audible warning when passing pedestrians or other cyclists.
• Wear a helmet.
• Ride two abreast, but form a single line in congested traffic conditions.
Refer to the Texas Drivers’ Handbook (PDF) for more information on safe and lawful biking.
Tarleton, a member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience marked by academic innovation and exemplary service, and dedicated to transforming students into tomorrow’s professional leaders. With campuses in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online, Tarleton engages with its communities to provide real-world learning experiences and to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Daron Trussell – Assistant Director, Recreational Sports