STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Tarleton State University’s Dr. Anthony Edwards recently completed a round of rigorous training and coursework in Texas State Guard Officer Candidate School. The training is designed to transform civilian professionals into military leaders.

Dr. Edwards, a second lieutenant in the state guard’s 1st Brigade, is an Assistant Professor of educational leadership and technology and Director of Tarleton Online. He earned a doctoral degree in educational leadership and policy studies from Tarleton in 2013.
“The soldiers of the Texas State Guard have answered the call to help fellow Texans during times of need for more than eight decades,” said Brig. Gen. Anthony Woods. “The men and women of the Texas State Guard selflessly give of their time and talent to support civil authorities when emergencies strike. I’m proud to serve with these outstanding troops. Through training and professionalism, they have earned a reputation as the premier state guard organization in the United States.”
Those who successfully complete the program are expected to rise through the commissioned officer ranks, making critical decisions and leading Texas State Guard missions in response to emergencies and disasters statewide.
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