Book Contains work of Counseling Experts
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
WACO, Texas—A new work edited by Tarleton State University’s Dr. Ryan Foster and Dr. Janice Holden of the University of North Texas, explores how spiritual and religious perspectives and practices can be used in counseling.
Including the work of 20 counseling experts, Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling is published by Aquiline Books, an imprint of the UNT Libraries. Paperback and e-book copies can be purchased through Amazon, and a free-to-read version will be available soon through the UNT Digital Library.
“This new work includes practices that may be unfamiliar to mental health professionals,” said Foster, assistant professor of counseling and director of the McLennan Community College student counseling center at Tarleton-Waco, “yet are incredibly important for implementing diverse approaches with clients.”
The book takes a look at everything from near-death experiences to intercessory prayer to Ásatrú, a rapidly growing religion that was practiced in Europe before the coming of Christianity.
In addition to Holden, chair of UNT’s Department of Counseling and Higher Education, authors include American Counseling Association Fellow Dr. Craig Cashwell of the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and Dr. Tracey Robert, professor of counseling at Fairfield University.
Tarleton, a member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience marked by academic innovation and exemplary service, and dedicated to transforming students into tomorrow’s professional leaders. With campuses in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online, Tarleton engages with its communities to provide real-world learning experiences and to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Dr. Ryan Foster