Submit Applications for Job Sites
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
STEPHENVILLE, Texas—Local residents, property owners and others who need a helping hand are invited to sign up for the Saturday, April 1, Tarleton State University Round Up—the university’s largest single-day service project.
This year marks the 19th annual Round Up, and organizers are accepting applications for potential job sites in the Stephenville community. Deadline to apply and request volunteers for your site is 5 p.m. Friday, March 17.
Job site applications are online at, or request a copy from Student Leadership Programs Coordinator Erin Warner at Once completed, applications can be hand-delivered to Tarleton’s Department of Student Engagement in Room 103 of the Barry B. Thompson Student Center, faxed to 254-968-9735 or mailed to: Tarleton State University – c/o Round Up Committee, Box T-0690, Stephenville, Texas 76402.
Services offered through Tarleton Round Up include window washing, cleaning and sweeping, painting, hedge trimming, dirt moving and digging, leaf raking and bagging, general garden and lawn work, recycling and document shredding, and household hazardous material disposal. Any job that requires the use of power tools or engine-driven equipment will not be accepted.
Tarleton Round Up is a student-led, student-initiated project held in cooperation with the city of Stephenville.
“We are honored to be able to continue to serve the Stephenville community this year through this student-led service project. We have expanded job site applicants to include not only the elderly but anyone who needs service on April 1,” said Hunter deMasi student Round Up director. “We are happy to serve in any way that we can.”
Last year nearly 1,600 students, staff and faculty volunteers rallied to complete 155 job sites in the community. This year the Tarleton Round Up Coordinating Committee hopes to have 2,500 volunteers complete 250 job sites. Volunteer applications will be accepted until the day of the event.
To make such a large service project a success, organizers are looking for assistance from individuals and businesses.
“We are currently accepting donations and sponsorships from individuals and businesses,” deMasi said. “We need monetary donations, rakes, shovels, trash bags and other basic supplies. Tarleton Round Up would not be possible without the generous support of our community.”
Donations may be dropped off at the Department of Student Engagement or a Round Up coordinator can schedule pickup.
For more information, call 254-968-9256 or email Volunteers and others interested in Round Up can follow the effort on social media and share stories and photos using #TarletonRoundUp.
Due to its popularity in past years, Round Up will offer recycling and document shredding services to the community on the visitor’s side (Harbin Drive) parking lot of Memorial Stadium.
Tarleton, a member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience marked by academic innovation and exemplary service, and is dedicated to transforming students into tomorrow’s professional leaders. With campuses in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online, Tarleton engages with its communities to provide real-world learning experiences and to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contacts: Erin Warner – Student Leadership Programs Coordinator
Hunter deMasi – Tarleton Round Up Student Director