STEPHENVILLE, Texas — The Phi Rho Zeta chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at Tarleton State University was awarded the 2023 Phoenix Award at the fraternity’s National High Alpha Summit and Neville Advisor’s College, Jan. 6 in Indianapolis.

The Phoenix Award annually goes to a chapter that has made unusually positive strides for at least three consecutive years in membership growth, depth of programming and risk-free operations.
“Receiving the Phoenix Award at High Alpha Summit was truly an amazing feeling,” said Michael Healer, President of Tarleton State’s Phi Rho Zeta chapter. “Thank you to the past presidents for creating the foundation and making it possible for us to receive this award.”
Lambda Chi Alpha is one of the largest men’s fraternities in North America with more than 275,000 members at nearly 200 active chapters. It serves as a cocurricular complement to higher education by providing young men with opportunities for academic achievement, leadership development and lifelong friendships.
“I am extremely proud of the members and advisors of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity for their outstanding achievements and dedication, culminating in the well-deserved recognition of the Phoenix Award at the National High Alpha Summit,” said Dr. Diana Ortega-Feerick, Vice President for Tarleton State’s Division of Student Engagement and Success. “The members’ commitment to excellence and community service truly sets a remarkable standard. This achievement reflects the hard work of individual members and speaks to the collective spirit and values that define Lambda Chi Alpha.”
A founding member of The Texas A&M System, Tarleton State University is breaking records — in enrollment, research, scholarship, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — while transforming the lives of approximately 18,000 students in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Bryan and online. For 125 years, Tarleton State has been committed to accessible higher education opportunities for all while helping students grow academically, socially and professionally through programs that emphasize real world learning and address regional, state and national needs.