STEPHENVILLE, Texas — A job fair featuring more than 85 employers in the fields of construction, computer science, and engineering and technology is set for 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24 in the Mayfield College of Engineering Building on the campus of Tarleton State University in Stephenville.
Attendees will have the chance to meet recruiters, learn about available internships, co-op programs and full-time positions, as well as gain valuable insights into what organizations are looking for in future employees.
The job fair is free for all Mayfield College of Engineering students, but registration is required via Handshake, the career services platform. Students are encouraged to dress professionally and bring multiple copies of their resumes to maximize their chances of standing out to potential employers.
For more information about the job fair or to register, visit or contact the Career Services Office at or by phone at 254-968-9078.
The Mayfield College of Engineering is committed to fostering career growth and success for its students by connecting them with industry professionals who can help them navigate their post-college paths. The event promises to be a pivotal moment for students looking to secure high-paying internships or full-time positions in a competitive market.