Tarleton Wind Ensemble earns invite to play at TMEA convention


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Tarleton State University’s Wind Ensemble has been invited to perform at the February 2021 convention of the Texas Music Educators Association in San Antonio, a first for the university’s band program.

“I’m so proud of the work that these young men and women have done this year,” said Dr. David Robinson, Tarleton’s director of bands and director of the Wind Ensemble, Tarleton’s top concert band. “We look forward to working through all of the challenges presented by the covid-19 pandemic and to following directives from our university and TMEA in these challenging times.”

The TMEA convention, scheduled for Feb. 10-13 at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, annually draws more than 31,000 attendees from across the globe.

Throughout the convention Texas’ top musicians will rehearse with nationally known conductors and on Saturday perform in 18 all-state ensembles.

Tarleton, founding member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven education marked by academic innovation and a dedication to transform today’s scholars into tomorrow’s leaders. It offers degree programs to more than 13,000 students at Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian, RELLIS Academic Alliance in Bryan, and online, emphasizing real-world learning experiences that address societal needs while maintaining its core values of tradition, integrity, civility, excellence, leadership and service.

Contact: Phil Riddle

A founding member of The Texas A&M System, Tarleton State University is breaking records — in enrollment, research, scholarship, athletics, philanthropy and engagement — while transforming the lives of approximately 18,000 students in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Bryan and online. For 125 years, Tarleton State has been committed to accessible higher education opportunities for all while helping students grow academically, socially and professionally through programs that emphasize real world learning and address regional, state and national needs.
Tags: College of Liberal & Fine Arts, Performing & Fine Arts