Thursday, December 10, 2021

STEPHENVILLE, Texas — The upcoming holiday will be brighter for dozens of Cross Timbers area children thanks to Tarleton State University’s Little Texan Angel Tree.
This year’s Angel Tree, led by the Tarleton Alpha Gamma Rho Beta Sigma chapter, the Center for Leadership, Service and Outreach, and HOPE, Inc., will provide more than 800 gifts to 109 children ages 2 months to 18 years. The project partners with housing authorities in Dublin, Gorman, De Leon and Stephenville.
“Giving is one of the many kind acts from so many people during the holiday season. We encouraged the Tarleton campus community to give cheerfully and also realize that our students, faculty and staff are making a momentous impact on these children’s lives,” said Darrell Brown, Executive Director for Student Affairs Outreach, Fraternity and Sorority Life. “These are children who often won’t have a Christmas at home — at least not the way we typically know it — and this student-led initiative is an opportunity to make it memorable for them.”
Since 1995, students, campus organizations and Tarleton faculty and staff “adopt” children from the Christmas tree in the Barry B. Thompson Student Center. Each angel lists the child’s name, gender, age, grade and clothing sizes, plus a short wish list. Gift collection began in early November, and all of the children were quickly adopted.
“I am truly thankful that our fraternity, the larger Greek community and the Tarleton family are able to give back to so many underprivileged children in our area,” said AGR philanthropy chair Russell Weaver. “It warms my heart to see our community all come together and provide support to these children and make Christmas a special time for them.”
Members of Alpha Gamma Rho gathered at the Thompson Student Center on Dec. 9, to load a truck for distribution, ensuring that the gifts will be ready to open on Christmas.
The Angel Tree Project is the fraternity’s fall philanthropy. In the spring the chapter again plans to hold its crawfish boil benefiting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Contact: Darrell Brown, Executive Director for Student Affairs Outreach