Food Policy Case Studies
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
STEPHENVILLE, Texas—Tarleton State University’s Dr. Derrill Watson is at Moscow State University this week sharing best practices in teaching and improving case studies on food policy and the advantages of active learning methods.
Watson’s instruction is part of a conference on food policy in Eurasia sponsored by the Eurasian Center for Food Security. A collaboration of Moscow State University and the World Bank, the center is recognized internationally for its contributions to eliminate food security issues—not only in Eurasia but around the world. Along with its educational programs, the center provides policy and technical recommendations for improved agricultural performance, sustainable rural development and natural resources management.
Six case studies related to food policy in western Asia and the southern Caucasus region will be unveiled at the conference.
“This is a wonderful opportunity that unites my research in food policy with my passion for engaged teaching,” said Watson, assistant professor of accounting, finance and economics at Tarleton. “Food security is a very real issue that affects human health and welfare as well as global economic and political stability. It is paramount that we teach the world how to nourish our growing population.”
Watson has extensive experience teaching from case studies and, as a Faculty Fellow with Tarleton’s Center for Instructional Innovation, he is well acquainted with advantages associated with the social entrepreneurship approach to learning, class debate, role playing and think-pair-share.
Watson’s own textbook— Food Policy for Developing Countries: The Role of Government in Global, National and Local Food Systems (Cornell University Press, 2011)—co-authored with 2001 World Food Prize laureate Per Pinstrup-Andersen, contains 77 case studies associated with continued poverty, globalization, climate change, food price volatility, natural resource degradation, demographic and dietary transitions, and increasing interests in local and organic food production.
Watson earned his doctorate and master’s degree in economics from Cornell University and his bachelor’s at Brigham Young University. In addition to food policy and development economics, his teaching interests include macroeconomics, econometrics, public choice economics, international economics, and money and banking.
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Contact: Cecilia Jacobs, Public Relations Manager