Tuesday, July 5, 2016
STEPHENVILLE, Texas—Dr. Eileen Faulkenberry, associate professor of mathematics at Tarleton State University, was elected to the executive board of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Texas (AMTE-TX) during the annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching.
Faulkenberry will serve a three-year term on the 10-member executive board, which helps guide the association in providing K-12 mathematics educator professionals with pre-service and in-service education.
At Tarleton, Faulkenberry teaches undergraduate and graduate mathematics education courses and conducts professional development workshops for in-service mathematics teachers.
Since 2004, she has received more than $3 million in grants to support her efforts in mathematics teacher preparation. She has served in a number of leadership positions for the Research Council on Mathematics Learning, including vice president for conferences, member of the conference committee, and program chair for the 2014 meeting in San Antonio.
Faulkenberry’s research interests lie in teacher preparation and its impact on classroom instructional practice. She has published articles in Mathematics Teacher, the Oklahoma Journal of School Mathematics and Texas Science Teacher.
Faulkenberry has been a member of AMTE-TX since its inception in 2008. She previously served a three-year term on the nominations and elections committee for the organization.
The mission of AMTE-TX is to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in Texas.
Tarleton, a member of The Texas A&M University System, provides a student-focused, value-driven educational experience marked by academic innovation and exemplary service, and dedicated to transforming students into tomorrow’s professional leaders. With campuses in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian and online, Tarleton engages with its communities to provide real-world learning experiences and to address societal needs while maintaining its core values of integrity, leadership, tradition, civility, excellence and service.
Contact: Kurt Mogonye