Traditional BSN Admission Criteria

Students can apply for admissions during the last semester of completing all nursing program requirements.

Students are admitted to the nursing program through the regular application process each semester. Students not

admitted for a specific semester cohort must re-apply for the next semester cohort. There is no waiting list.

Applications into the BSN program must be received, reviewed, and accepted to Tarleton State University for

consideration to fall admissions by March 30 and spring semester admissions by August 1 to be reviewed/ranked for


Minimum requirements for Nursing Program eligibility include:

  • Application packet must be submitted by March 30 for fall admission or by August 1 for spring admission. This includes official copies of transcripts of all schools attended and records of current enrollment.
    • To be considered for admission, the applicant must have completed (with a minimum grade of C) or be enrolled in all courses designated as a prerequisite to admission.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.80 in all coursework to date. More favorable consideration will be given to applicants with higher GPAs and to those who passed courses the first time taken.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 in English and Science courses. This includes but is not limited to microbiology, anatomy & physiology, and chemistry.
  • All designated nursing program prerequisite courses with a C or higher.
  • Acknowledge and agree to the complete criminal background screening as directed by the nursing program.
  • Take and achieve required minimum scores on the HESI A2• Exam (Math, Anatomy & Physiology, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension), with a minimum score of 80% in EACH section and a composite score of 80%.
  • Locations for clinical placements are determined based on availability of clinical sites
  • Acknowledgment of understanding that clinical components include experience across the greater Stephenville, Waco, and Ft Worth areas. Locations for clinical placements are determined through availability and facilities and assessment of students for success by March 30.

*Only HESI A2 results will be accepted within two years of taking the exam and submitted directly from an

authorized testing center. All results submitted for consideration must be official and submitted to NursingCAS.

If a potential applicant fails to achieve the standards listed above for the HESI A2 Exam, the applicant’s waiting

time between exam attempts is one month for 2nd attempt and 12 months from the second attempt. When repeating the

exam, the applicant can choose to only re-take the section that was less than 80%.

Conditional Admission Requirement:

  • Students will also complete a background check through the CCDMS.
  • Students will complete a background check through the Texas Board of Nursing.
  • Students will only be admitted into the program after completing appropriate screenings.
  • Students must submit to and pay for criminal background screenings as a part of program admission requirements.
  • Students may undergo additional background screening before attending certain clinical sites (i.e., public schools and daycare).
  • For students enrolled in courses at the time of application, all courses during the semester must be completed with a “C” grade or higher.

Dismissal from another associate degree or baccalaureate nursing program or failure of any nursing coursework

disqualifies admission.

Fulfillment of minimum requirements for eligibility does not guarantee admission.

Admission numbers to the undergraduate nursing program (BSN) may be limited based on School of Nursing resources,

including but not limited to the availability of qualified faculty and clinical resources.