Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ for all Nursing Majors

Do I need to meet with an Academic Advisor?

We highly recommend meeting with an Academic Advisor or attending one of the group advising/information sessions conducted by the School of Nursing before program entry deadlines. Students should meet with an Academic Advisor early in their college career to ensure they understand the program entry requirements, entry deadlines, and prerequisite courses. Students should determine if the program will be the best fit for their educational needs.

How much will it cost to attend the Nursing Program?

Tuition and fee information is available on the Tarleton Business Services website.

In addition to general university tuition and fees, the student majoring in nursing assumes financial responsibility for payment of textbooks and materials, criminal background check, health insurance, uniforms, some lab supplies, standardized achievement testing, and clinical accessories. Fees collected through university tuition and fee structure provide funds to pay the student’s malpractice insurance, purchase of equipment, and purchase of disposable lab supplies.

Students must also provide their own transportation to health care agencies. Driving distances will vary; clinical assignments will be based on availability of learning experiences. Due to travel distances, it may be necessary for the student to stay overnight in order to participate in clinical experiences. The student is responsible to pay for room and board if overnight stay is necessary.


In the final semester of study, the undergraduate student is required to pay fees for the application to take the NCLEX-RN as well as the application for licensure.

Upon admission to the nursing program, all undergraduate students must pay for and submit evidence of the following:

  • Current Immunizations (MMR, hepatitis B series, Tdap, and varicella)
  • TB Screening
  • American Heart Association Healthcare Provider CPR or Red Cross Professional Rescuer CPR certification
  • Urine Drug Screening (randomly thereafter admissions to the program)
  • Exam Soft Testing Program
  • Evolve/HESI Products
  • Virtual Simulation Products
  • Electronic Health Record Products


Graduate students submit immunizations, TB screening, and CPR information (as described above) before attending their first clinical course.

How can I find out information about financial aid and scholarships?

Financial aid is available from the Financial Aid Office; scholarship information is available from the Office of Scholarships.

Nursing scholarships are typically awarded in late April for the following school year. The nursing program has 11 endowed scholarships and awards approximately $55,000 in awards annually. A nursing faculty committee usually selects scholarship recipients. Nursing students are also eligible for other Tarleton scholarships.

Is there a time limit on prerequisite courses?

We do not set time limits on prerequisites. However, students are accountable for the content from these program prerequisite courses. You will need current knowledge of the natural and behavioral sciences, English, statistics, and nutrition to be successful in the program.

Will I be required to get immunizations?

Undergraduate and graduate students are required to comply with the University policies regarding immunizations. Information about specific University immunization requirements are available from the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination page.

All students must meet the clinical requirements for entry into the program. More information on requirements can be found in the Student Resources page. 

Will I be required to have health insurance?

Undergraduate and graduate students are required to have professional liability insurance purchased through a student group policy. The cost of the malpractice insurance is part of the student fees when registering for a clinical nursing course.

Undergraduate and graduate students are also required to submit proof of health insurance coverage upon entering and must stay current while enrolled. 

Will I be required to take a drug test or complete a criminal background screening?

Background check and drug testing is required for all program entries. Random drug testing may be performed. Certain clinical sites require additional background checks throughout the course of the nursing program. 

Is the Tarleton nursing program offered in Ft. Worth or Waco?

The LVN to BSN program is housed in Waco and is offered in the hybrid format. Most lecture activities are delivered online, however students are required to attend once monthly skills lab and/or simulation activities in Waco or Fort Worth. The RN to BSN and MSN programs are offered online, with faculty housed in Fort Worth, Waco, and Stephenville. 

The traditional BSN track is housed on the Stephenville campus.

Is access to a computer at home required and what computer skills do I need?

A home computer is not required but students will need access to a laptop on a regular basis for testing purposes. You must have consistent and timely access to a computer, Microsoft software, and the Internet. Although a computer course is not required for admission to the nursing program, faculty expect students to have certain computer skills upon program entry. For example, students should be able to:

  • utilize input devices (keyboard, mouse/track pad, touch pad)
  • perform basic Tarleton State University adopted software application functions including but not limited to opening an application program and creating, modifying, printing, and saving document
  • utilize keyboarding proficiency and speed necessary to prepare documents in a timely manner
  • plan, create, and edit documents using readable fonts, alignment, page setup, tabs, and ruler settings
  • utilize netiquette to communicate
  • attach documents to email messages, and
  • locate websites and information via the Internet

Students who do not possess the necessary computer skills are advised to complete a college or continuing education computer course prior to program entry.

Can I take courses at another college or university and then transfer to the Tarleton State University nursing program?

Students may take the non-nursing prerequisite courses at a regionally accredited college or university. Official transcripts will be evaluated by the appropriate office (undergraduate or graduate) for equivalency to the prerequisite courses required for admission to the Tarleton State University School of Nursing. Undergraduate students must submit official transcripts to Tarleton State University Office of Admissions for evaluation on or before the application deadline. Graduate students must submit official transcripts to the Office of Graduate Studies. You may review the Transfer Articulation Policies located within the Admission menu section of the current University catalog.

Can I transfer nursing courses to the Tarleton State University nursing program?

Nursing courses may possibly be transferred for our BSN and LVN to BSN programs. For the RN to BSN, all courses must be taken through Tarleton. We do not accept students who have been unsuccessful in other nursing programs. A maximum of twelve credit hours with a grade of “B” or higher will be considered for transfer to the undergraduate and graduate programs. Students must submit the course syllabus for review and approval to the appropriate program Department Head. Any nursing course considered for transfer must have been completed at a nationally accredited nursing program at a regionally accredited institution within the last five years.


Do you offer a program option for LVN to BSN and RN to BSN Students?

Yes, we admit LVN to BSN and RN to BSN students. LVN to BSN students may complete the nursing program course sequence in four semesters. RN to BSN students may complete the nursing program course sequence in three semesters.

Do you offer an accelerated Program for 2nd degree seeking students?

No, second degree students must enter through the undergraduate BSN program.

What are the Core or General Education requirements?

Please refer to the specific program information forms for pre requisite requirements in the Nursing Undergraduate Degree Program page.

Can I receive assurance of program admission if I transfer to Tarleton?

No, all applicants are processed in a timely manner. Notification of program status will be sent to all applicants when the review of applicants is completed.

Does a “D” transfer?

A grade of “D” transfers as credit to Tarleton. However, Ds (and Fs) are not acceptable for the nursing degree. You must achieve a grade of “C” or better on each nursing degree requirement.

Is the GPA based on the overall cumulative grade point average for the nursing program?

Please refer to program information forms for GPA requirements in the Nursing Undergraduate Degree Program page. 

Where can I take the entrance examination?

The HESI A2 examination is required. Students must take the English (vocabulary, grammar and reading), Anatomy & Physiology, Math. A score of 80% or higher is required for EACH section. HESI A2 is offered at various locations. Please check the HESI A2 testing locations for dates and times of the examination. 

How long will it take me to complete the nursing program at Tarleton?

The completion time frame is different for each BSN degree path. More information for each degree path is here.

Do I get to work with patients during traditional nursing school?

Yes, you will provide patient care in health care agencies under the direction of our experienced faculty. Prior to working with patients, you will be prepared in the classroom, skills laboratory, and “simulation hospital”. Working with patients begins during the Junior I nursing program semester for the LVN to BSN and traditional BSN degree paths.

Where will I go for clinical experience?

Students travel to several clinical sites during the program. We may use hospitals, physician offices, clinics, nursing homes, and other health related sites in Cleburne, Glen Rose, Granbury, Weatherford, Mineral Wells, Stephenville, Eastland, DeLeon, Brownwood, Hamilton, Killeen, Temple, and other rural areas as available. You may often travel as much as 75 miles one-way to a clinical site. 

Can I work while I am in the nursing program?

Many students work. Balancing employment and academic work while enrolled in college is a very individual decision. Some can do both successfully. Whether you can be successful managing both school and work depends on the number of college hours you are taking, your study habits, whether or not you have family or other responsibilities, and the flexibility of your job. If you are taking 12 or more semester credit hours, you should consider the combined amount of study and class time as a full-time job. 

What salaries and job opportunities are available for graduates?

The nation continues to experience a nursing shortage. Many employers give preference the BSN graduate when hiring new graduates. The first job for almost all nursing graduates is in a hospital. Our graduates typically secure positions before graduation.

New graduates earn $45,760-$64,480 per year or $22 to $31 per hour, plus benefits depending on location and hours worked. Higher hourly wages are earned for working holidays, nights, and weekends. Many hospitals also have a sign-on bonus and/or other perks such as loan repayment.

Many agencies have orientation, preceptorships, and internships for graduates who will (or have already) contract to work with them after graduation.


Do I get credit for my past education?

Yes, up to 34 hours of credit may be awarded for past nursing education courses at the associate degree or diploma level.

Can I take any of the courses online?

Yes, all RN to BSN courses are delivered online. These experiences will be planned and directed by the faculty.

Will I need to take an entrance exam to be admitted to RN to BSN program?

No, an entrance exam is not required. 

How long does the program take?

The program takes approximately 10 months if enrolled full time and 15 months (or longer) if enrolled part time.

Can I be enrolled in the RN to BSN program part time?

Yes, you may be enrolled part time with guidance and direction from the assigned faculty advisor. 


What type of nursing graduate program is offered at Tarleton?

Tarleton offers a Master of Science in Nursing degree with a major in Nursing Administration or Nursing Education.

Can I be enrolled in the graduate program part time?

Yes, you may be enrolled part time with guidance and direction from the faculty advisor.

Is there a math requirement for the graduate program?

Yes, students are required to have completed a basic undergraduate statistics course with a grade of “C” or higher.

Are letters of recommendation required for acceptance into the graduate Nursing program?

No, letters of recommendation are not required for admissions into the MSN program. 

When will I have a clinical?

MSN students will take two practicum-based courses in their chosen major. Experiences will be planned and directed by the faculty.

Will I need to take an entrance exam to by admitted to the graduate program?

No, an entrance exam is not required.

Are any of the courses online?

Yes, all MSN courses are online except with two select practicums. Experiences will be planned and directed by the faculty.

Is there a time limit to complete the MSN?

Yes, graduate course credits must be completed within a six year time frame to be counted for a master’s degree.