An online graduate degree from Tarleton State can help increase your employability and provide opportunities for growth.

With tuition rates well below the state average, Tarleton is an affordable choice to support career change or career advancement.

Beyond these general requirements for admission to the College of Graduate Studies, departments may set additional standards for admission to degree programs as necessary, subject to administrative approval.

What you need to apply as a graduate student:

Applicants with permanent residency status may be required to submit a transcript evaluation and proof of English proficiency.

Deadlines, Transcripts, and Test Scores

Please review the following information before completing the Graduate Admissions application.

For more details regarding graduate admissions, please visit the College of Graduate Studies.

Available Master’s Degree Programs

Agricultural & Consumer Resources, MS

Woman using a tablet on a truck tailgate near farm equipment.

The Professional (Non-Thesis) Track is designed for students who desire to complete coursework that will further qualify them for public or agency employment, as well as strengthen advancement opportunities in their current or future employment under the guidance of mentoring faculty in Wildlife, Sustainability, & Ecosystem Sciences.

Agricultural Economics, MS

Woman standing by a truck with a laptop, silos, and tractor in the background.

In the M.S Agricultural Economics program you will be able to learn about various topics from business planning to resource allocation in production and agricultural policies. You will be fully prepared to succeed in various career fields such as agribusiness, general business, government, and higher education institutions.

Applied Psychology, MS

Two people having a discussion in front of a computer.

Tarleton State University’s M.S. in Applied Psychology prepares you for entry-level jobs in psychological sciences. Applied psychology is a subset of the field that uses scientific principles, methods, and findings to come up with practical solutions for problems in human and animal behavior and experience, including health, law, product design, and more.

Business Administration, MBA

Man in suit standing in front of a stock ticker at a business college.

In the AACSB-accredited MBA program, you’ll explore topics in accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, business strategy, and more. You’ll develop the skills and tools necessary to be a strong contributor in the current job market. With the fast track option, the 30-credit master’s program in business administration can be completed in a year.

Computer Engineering, MS

Two people examining a scientific apparatus in a lab.

The M.S. in Computer Engineering program brings students to the leading edge of computer engineering by solving real-life problems which then contributes to the advancement of local communities and of society as a whole. Students can learn about Computer Architecture and Distributed Computing; Advanced Computer Networks (including Cybersecurity); VLSI Circuit Design; and Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning (including Computer Vision).

Criminal Justice, MCJ

Cadet in uniform writing at a table in a library setting.

The criminal justice system is becoming increasingly data driven, and a criminal justice master’s degree can provide you with skills to analyze and interpret research and data. Many employers in the criminal justice system require a master’s degree for administration and leadership roles. An MCJ can lead to job promotions and career changes, as well as higher salaries, for criminal justice professionals.

Curriculum and Instruction, MEd

Teacher smiling in a classroom with students reading and writing at their desks.

Designed for full-time educators, certified teachers, and graduate students with teaching experience, this career-advancing M.Ed. degree offers additional credentials or certification in a specialized area of education. An education master’s degree in curriculum and instruction creates opportunities to work in central office administration at the campus and district level in leadership roles related to curriculum development, implementation, and assessment.

Child Development and Family Studies, MS

Grandparents joyfully playing with their grandchild in a living room.

Tarleton State University’s online Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Child Development and Family Studies (CHFS), expands your career opportunities in educational and community settings. This graduate program in Child Development and Family Studies emphasizes content areas such as theories related to families and children, research methodology, and current issues impacting child development and family dynamics.

Educational Administration, MEd

Smiling person in front of a brick building with large windows.

Tarleton State University’s Master of Education in Educational Administration program prepares Texas professionals for K-12 school administration and higher education roles through stimulating coursework and hands-on educational experiences.  An additional 3 hour principal practicum course is required for students who seek to obtain a Principal Certificate in the state of Texas.

Graduate Studies Calendar