Desired Outcomes
- To increase communication among parents, administration, faculty and students about Tarleton’s mission, goals, policies, programs and student activities.
- To offer support and assistance to parents when concerns arise about their student.
- To grow the Tarleton Parents Association Endowed Scholarship through gifts from parents, students, alumni and friends of the University. Donate Now!
- To continue to enhance academic achievement through support of campus programs.
- To advise parents on the benefits of the liberal and professional education offered at Tarleton.
- To promote the University through developmental activities and to encourage financial support from individuals, corporations and foundations.
- To provide an opportunity for Tarleton parents and administrators to interact.
- Please click the link below and select Tarleton Parents Association (TPA). For a 1-year membership (one per family), enter $75.00 or $200.00 for a 4-year membership. Join Today!

- Student Scholarships
- Membership Discount Card
- Membership Window Decal
- Membership T-Shirt or Cap
- Final Exam “Duck Bags” for Student
News and Events
Are you a member and not receiving emails?
If you are a member and not receiving emails, then please contact or call 254-968-9490 to verify email address
Executive Board Members
- Mike Jones- President
- April Gresko- 1st Vice President
- Vacant- 2nd Vice President
- Mary Mesa- Secretary
- Sherri Madigan- Treasurer
- Michelle Heavyside- Social Media/Digital Facilitator
- Robin Hays- Parliamentarian