2024 Bi-District: Conference 4A, districts 5 & 6 OAP

March 27, 2024

Site: Tarleton State University in The Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center on the Auditorium Stage

            404 Doc Blanchard Stephenville, Texas 76402

Contest Manager: Prudence Jones

Email: pljones@tarleton.edu office#:254-968-9669 cell#:570-561-9194

Host: Dan Stone

The judges for the contest are:

Michele Mcllvain

4008 State Highway 6

DeLeon Texas, 76444

Chuck Roe

1603 Monte Carlo Drive

Mansfield Texas 76063

Melissa Green

3232 North 29th Street

Waco Texas, 76708

Rehearsal Schedule:

  Tuesday, March 26, 2024  
4:00 p.m.Sweetwater 
5:00 p.m.Brownwood 
6:00 p.m.Stephenville 
  Wednesday, March 27, 2024  
8:00 a.m.Big Spring 
9:00 a.m.Snyder 
10:00 a.m.Graham 
Performance Schedule:   
Wednesday, March 27, 2024   
12:00 p.m.Big Spring  
1:00 p.m.Brownwood  
2:00 p.m.Sweetwater  
3:00 p.m.Stephenville 
4:00 p.m.Snyder 
5:00 p.m.Graham 

Dressing Room Schedule:

10:00 Big Spring 183

11:00 Brownwood 185

12:00 Sweetwater 182

1:00    Stephenville 186

2:00    Snyder 183

3:00    Graham 185

You must be clear of the Dressing 30 minutes following your performance.

Director’s Meeting and Performance:

11:15am Director’s meeting in Green Room

11:50am Se-up for Play #1

12pm- Curtain on Play #1 (plays will be performed back-to-back)

Load In:

The contest manager will meet your company at the loading dock and bring you to the stage door.  Please be on time.  Following the rehearsal, the stage manager will show you where to store your properties and your host will show you to the room assigned for your school during the contest.    


You will have one hour to rehearse.  A complete run-through of your play may not be possible.  There will be an onsite assistant with how to use sound and light boards.


The cast are reminded not to re-enter the auditorium in make-up or costume after the performance.  Remind your students, too, that they will not be allowed to enter the auditorium while a play is in progress.  Plays will perform back-to-back. 

Time Warning Procedures:

The stage manager will be giving audible calls from the edge of the SL wing for set, strike and the 60 second start.

The stage manager will give the 35-minute warning.  Your designated crew member should respond with 35-minute warning received.  

Contest Fee:

The entry Fee of $750.00, made payable to Tarleton State University will be collected before the rehearsal.  All other required paperwork will be turned in at that time as well.

Admission to the Performance:

There will be $2 admission charge.  Latecomers will be seated only during the pause between shows.  Please let families and friends know this since absolutely no exceptions will be made.

Also, in order to maintain the proper atmosphere for enjoying a live performance, we ask you let families and friends know that no photographs, flash or otherwise, or videotape may be taken during the performances.

Awards and Critiques:

The announcement of advancing play and the presentation of awards will be following the last performance, properties load out and as soon as the adjudicator has completed their decision.  Oral Critiques will follow each performance. 

Stage and Lighting:


We are lit to the front edge of the apron.  Note that you will have the option to set in front of the Grand Drape because of the depth of the apron.  We will only have a black background available.


If you wish to use the sound system our available inputs are USB, Aux, Qlab, or CD.   There will be a sound technician to assist your students.

Unit Set:

Tarleton UIL Stock Set Pieces


4 total 1’x1’ 

2 total 4’x4’ 

2 total 4’x8’ 


4 total 1’x1

2 total at 4’ tall

2 total at 6’ tall

2 total at 8’ tall

Staircases and Ramps:

2 total 2 step unit 2’ wide 

2 total 2 step unit 4’ wide

2 total ramps

Doors and Windows:

2 total Doors 4’x8’

2 total Window 3’x6’

Frenchdoor (Provided by Stephenville)


4 total 2 panel Bi-fold 8’ tall

4 total 3 panel Tri-fold 8’ tall

Load out:

Schools will load out properties off the auditorium stage after all plays have completed.  We suggest that you do this during the adjudicator’s decision-making time to load for departure.