Astronomy Track
The Astronomy track is designed for a student interested in applying their knowledge of physics toward the study of astronomical phenomena. The program provides the student with a solid background in Physics and Mathematics necessary for future graduate training as well as completing a series of astronomy courses and an undergraduate research project in Astronomy with one of the TSU astronomers. In addition to the two lower-level Astronomy courses (Introductory Astronomy, Stars and Galaxies), the Texas Physics Consortium offers several upper-level astronomy and astrophysics course on a rotating basis including Astrophysics, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Observational Astronomy as well as courses in optics and imaging. TPC faculty and students, as well as visiting astronomers, also give multiple research seminars each year.
- Tarleton has outstanding astronomical facilities. Tarleton’s fully robotic telescope is superior to astronomical facilities used by graduate students at most research universities and is the largest telescope of any undergraduate physics program in the U.S.
- Tarleton is also home to a state of the art planetarium with new Digistar projector.