Portfolium is your free, digital portfolio tool to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. The platform makes it very easy for you to not only search for and apply to jobs, but to also share your work with friends, colleagues and the very employers you want to work for!
Students can access Portfolium through an exclusive network set up for Tarleton. The network will allow users to create a digital portfolio of their academic and professional accomplishments, including projects, presentations and papers. The interface highlights talents and achievements, and showcases individual work in a collaborative environment that connects students and alumni directly to companies, recruiters, internships and jobs.
Creating Portfolium “entries” allows you to beautifully organize and highlight your extracurricular activities, hobbies, and internships by including samples of your reports, papers and projects! The platform has helped users to show off their best work to future employers and bring their résumé to life with photos and videos of projects completed in class or on the job. The platform helps students and alumni connect with more than 3,000 companies, and apply directly to job openings with Disney, Nike, Google, NBC, Apple and more.

Portfolium has key features that showcase all of your work and personal growth through various projects.
- Share videos and photos of your volunteer experiences
- Upload real samples of your coursework (PDFs, Word, Excel, PP, Prezi, SoundCloud, YouTube, etc.)
- Explore the companies on Portfolium and follow the ones that interest you!
- Access Portfolium’s extensive job platform
- Allows you to Connect and collaborate with other students and faculty
- Build and maintain your online identity
Log in to Portfolium
Use the log in button below if you are a student who currently attends Tarleton or you are a current faculty member or staff. Please use your NTNET credentials when you reach the log in screen. You will be directed to a Portfolium landing page after logging in.
Select the log in button below if you are a student who formally attended Tarleton. Please use the password established when the account was created. Forgot your password? Learn more about resetting your Portfolium password.
Need Assistance?
View Portfolium student guides or faculty guides.
Contact Portfolium
Utilize the ‘Chat with an Expert’ button located on the bottom right side of the screen to reach Portfolium support.