Health Pre-Professions Mentoring Program
Tarleton State University’s Health Pre-Professions Mentoring (HPPMP) Program is a pilot program that matches students with Tarleton alumni and friends in medical, dental, pharmacy, etc. health professions to which they are aspiring.
Program Goals
- Establish meaningful relationships with working professionals while building a network of contacts
- Increase knowledge of what the field requires in a professional setting
- Assist in the transition from health pre-professional student to strong professional school applicant
- Expand overall awareness of professional opportunity
Program Mission
The HPPMP mission is to foster relationships between working health professionals for the purpose of sharing experiences and contributing first-hand knowledge with the goal of students becoming better-prepared and stronger applicants for admission into a health professional school or graduate program.

Pre-Professions Experiential Coordinator
Haley Briggs
Phone: 254-968-1728
Office: Science Building, Room 331
If you are interested in learning more about our program, please contact the Pre-Professions Experiential Coordinator.
Mentor and Mentee Matching
The students will be matched with mentors. This professional mentorship will last a minimum of 6 – 11 months and consist of a minimum one hour per month. The number of matches will depend upon the number of professional resources available at any given time.
- Express desire and willingness to be involved with the mentee. Spend time discussing the mentee’s short and long-term goals not only with the program but also as they prepare to apply to a health professional school.
- Show respect for the mentee learning experience. Actively listen and guide the mentee in the appropriate direction. The process of learning is different for each person.
- Ask questions often to determine the mentee’s level of commitment and knowledge growth.
- Be forthright in expressing your expectations of the mentee. It is important for the mentee to have an awareness of conduct and professional behavior.
- Have flexibility and openness recognizing that building a professional relationship will take time and effort.
- Share your major strengths and talents.
- Consider how your experience and professional learning has developed you as a professional and discuss these with the mentee.
- Initiate first point of contact with chosen mentor. It is encouraged that the first meeting be in person, if possible.
- Get to know the mentor; discuss ideas and expectations.
- Create an agenda and commit to working with mentor for the time/frequency agreed upon in the mentoring plan.
- Share with your mentor the best way to provide feedback.
- Carry out agreed upon goals and keep mentor informed of the progress.
- Maintain a professional code of conduct in all forms of communication.
- Understand that using the experience of your mentor will provide valuable insight that will assist you in the future.
Creating a cohesive mentoring relationship starts with good communication. Get to know each other. Create a baseline of goals and personal expectations that will assist in the overall success of your experience. It will be important to establish a schedule of meetings and how you will choose to communicate.
Communication can be conducted through a variety of avenues. Possible means of communication include but are not limited to:
- Face-to-face meetings
- Telephone discussions
- Social media
- Text message
- Skype
The HPPMP Program is not binding and will terminate in one of the following situations:
- The mentee graduates, completes the program requirements, or is no longer enrolled in a health pre-professions academic program.
- The mentee or mentor requests to terminate the mentorship.
Upon termination of the mentorship, the mentor and mentee will each be asked to fill out an evaluation detailing the experience. We will use this information to further improve the quality of the program. All constructive feedback is encouraged to continue in our mission for program success.
Program Benefits and Activities
Having a professional mentor to discuss ideas and aspirations is ideal for learning from someone who has walked in the same shoes. Students will gain objective feedback and experience activities that will shape them as individuals in their specific field of study. Below are suggested questions and activities for the mentor/mentee to consider:
- Share education background and career experience. How have these prepared the mentor for their career? How will this benefit the mentee?
- What mentoring experiences have been most helpful to the professional?
- What career experiences can be shared with the mentee regarding expectations of the field?
- Share some of the most important activities that helped prepare you to apply to health professional school.
- Discuss the codes of conduct that exist in your field.
- Share the experience of moving from unsergraduate, to health professional school, and to professional. what advice can be delivered to ease the transition?
- Discuss the most and least rewarding aspects of your career.
- Share realistic devotions of time, efforts, and energy the career requires.
- Discuss the most important aspects you strive to achieve with your job.
- Schedule the most significant learning experiences in your career.
- Are there different kinds of special learning or improvement opportunities that can be provided to the mentee?
Program Participants
Undergraduates of any major may apply as long as they are completing the prerequisites for medical, dental, or pharmacy school admissions. The Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS) should be used as a guide for all medical and dental school prerequisites and application process. Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS) should be used for preparing to apply to pharmacy school.
Program Requirements
- Completion of the application to HPPM Program
- Completion of 27 credits with a minimum of 14 at Tarleton to include health pre-professions coursework
- A minimum overall GPA of 3.2
- A minimum GPA of 3.2 in health pre-professions science coursework
- A list of extracurricular activities, awards, and involvement
- A minimum of two consecutive semesters left to be completed before applying to health professional school
- A strong commitment to the mentor and the program
Please note that the program is currently limited to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Current program members should note that to remain in the mentoring program, students must maintain a 3.2 GPA and participate in any program activities.
Mentee Application and Mentor Questionnaire
- If you are interested in applying to the Health Pre-Professions Mentoring Program, download the program application.
- If you are interested in becoming a Health Pre-Professions Mentor, please download and complete our questionnaire.
Both the application and questionnaire should be emailed to the Program Assistant.