Develop your interests and grow your community by getting involved in one of the COSM student organizations. The former Assistant Director of Admissions at Texas A&M School of Medicine used to tell students, “Find your tree and hug it. Don’t be trying to hug the whole forest!”. Good advice. Find a club or two that where you will fully commit to and participate in, become a leader, and make the club better! Below is a list of student organizations in which Health Pre-Professional students tend to be involved. If interested in how to participate, follow the link here to TexanSync, search the name of the organization and contact the president of the club under the info section.
Alpha Epsilon Delta

AED is a national health pre-professions honor society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in health pre-professional scholarship.
Tarleton Chemical Society

The Tarleton Chemical Society is dedicated to the enrichment of not only chemistry majors, but of all students interested in chemistry and the progression of the scientific field.
Pre-Veterinary Medical Association
(Pre-Vet Club)

The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association at Tarleton State University is a student led organization that was formed to promote interest in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as provide resources to students pursuing this field.
Beta Beta Beta

Tribeta (ßßß Biological Honor Society) is a national organization whose purpose is to honor biology students that have achieved high scholastic standards, to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences.
Student Research Association

The Tarleton State University Student Research Association (SRA) seeks to provide all students with more opportunities to engage in research to further their development within their respective field of study. The SRA will provide all appropriate guidance and incentives needed to produce research while simultaneously limiting the complications and obstacles in the way of each student to engage in research.
Math Club

The math club is a forum in which students who are interested in mathematics can get together, plan events which raise awareness for math, learn what mathematicians do, hear talks on interesting topics related to math, among other things.