Dear Colleagues,
After a long summer it’s exciting to see everyone on campus. From being back in the classroom to traditions like Family Weekend and Homecoming, the university has so much in store. Texan spirit is alive and well!
Thanks to your tireless efforts, I am confident this will be our greatest semester. The A&M System Board of Regents believes so, too. At every meeting the regents commend us for creating a university experience second to none. Today was one such meeting.
The regents granted approval to proceed with planning for our first parking garage, at North Saint Felix and West Washington streets, to open in 2024. This is tremendous news, and we’re grateful to Chancellor Sharp and the System for their support. The garage will create 600 spaces for students and employees, and make it easier for visitors attending campus events. Funding ($31 million) will come from parking fees and by leasing retail and dining spaces on the lower level.
And they approved our fiscal 2022 budget — the largest in Tarleton’s history — including a significant investment in scholarships, salaries and research.
The regents voted unanimously to approve naming an Engineering Building conference room for longtime Stephenville benefactor Saint-Gobain Abrasives. The company most recently made a donation to the School of Engineering.
Saint-Gobain has given liberally to Tarleton over the years to fund fine arts performances, equine therapies, athletics and the Dick Smith Library. And the company has a long history of giving to the community.
Corporate and business partners like Saint-Gobain provide our students the opportunity to solve true-to-work challenges their senior year. No wonder Tarleton’s engineering graduates are in high demand.
A celebration to officially name the conference room and honor Saint-Gobain’s philanthropic belief in higher education is coming later this year. Until then, please join me in sharing our gratitude.
In other business, the regents granted authorization to establish a quasi-endowment to benefit leaders in the Student Government Association. Investing these dollars in the A&M System Endowment Fund will sustain scholarships for years to come.
I also am pleased to announce that the regents appointed and commissioned three new peace officers — John Murrell, Richard Talavera and Doug Yount. I am grateful for the work our university police do every day to ensure a safe and secure campus.
I wish you all the best as we begin a new semester committed to our core values and to becoming the premier comprehensive university in the nation. Thank you for trusting me with the university you love and allowing me to work beside you.
Forever Bleed Purple and Roll, Texans!
Dr. James Hurley
Tarleton State University
Box T-0001
Stephenville, Texas 76402