Dear Colleagues,
Lifetime accomplishment often finds its inspiration in world-class facilities. Great learning requires them. Great students and faculty deserve them. Chancellor John Sharp and the A&M System Board of Regents know this. They know that the eighth fastest growing regional university in the nation needs more of them to achieve more of everything.
So today they approved three construction and renovation projects and a trio of naming opportunities that remind us of who we are and where we’re headed.
Seating up to 7,500, a Convocation and Event Center will include D-I basketball facilities and room for academic symposiums, conferences, conventions and concerts. The College of Health Sciences Building (adjacent to the School of Nursing) will improve access to quality healthcare and support new physical therapy, occupational therapy and physician assistant programs. Expansion of the Dick Smith Library will accommodate a variety of study spaces and student success services.
Regents gave the go-ahead to move our School of Engineering to a stand-alone college and name it in honor of longtime benefactor and retired Lockheed Martin executive
Dr. Dwain Mayfield, marking the first time we’ve named an academic college for an individual.
When our $54 million state-of-the-art Engineering Building debuted in 2019, there was no doubt it one day would house a stand-alone college. Dwain backed the new facility and a future college from concept to bold mission as a pipeline for proficient engineering, technology, construction and computer science graduates.
Creating the Mayfield College of Engineering makes sense considering the state’s growing need for engineers, engineering technologists and computer scientists, plus the School of Engineering’s record enrollment — approaching 1,000. So does naming it for Distinguished Alumnus Dwain Mayfield.
The Dr. Pam Littleton Mathematics Education Laboratory honors the legacy of our first female faculty member to be named a Regents Professor by the A&M System. She was Tarleton’s first female full professor in mathematics and loved by all. She passed away earlier this spring.
We will name the conference room in the Mathematics Building for Dr. Tim Flinn, who retired in 1999 after more than three decades in the Department of Mathematics and Physics. He is one of only four Tarleton faculty members selected as a Piper Professor.
My sincerest appreciation for the generosity of the Mayfield family, Drs. Pam and Mark Littleton (retired after 27 years in the College of Education and Human Development), and the anonymous donor who wanted to honor Dr. Flinn. Their gifts will have a lasting impact, reminding us that Tarleton is forever a place of memories and meaning.
I am pleased to announce the approval of Tarleton’s recommendations for faculty tenure and promotion. Also, Dr. Brian Walker and Dr. Allan Nelson were granted development leave to advance their knowledge and research in fine arts and biological sciences, respectively.
Please join me in congratulating these Tarleton scholars:
Tenure and Promotion
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Dr. Christopher Haynes, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education and Communication
College of Health Sciences and Human Services
- Dr. Nelda Martinez, Professor of Nursing
- Dr. Misty Smith, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Communications Disorders
College of Liberal and Fine Arts
- Dr. Elizabeth Benedict, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
- Dr. Anne Egelston, Assistant Professor of Government, Legal Studies and Philosophy
- Dr. Deborah Liles, Assistant Professor of History, Sociology, Geography and GIS
- Dr. David Robinson, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
- Dr. Cessna Winslow, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
College of Science and Technology
- Dr. Lynal Albert, Assistant Professor of Mechanical, Environmental and Civil Engineering
- Dr. Victoria Chraibi, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
- Dr. Neil Petroff, Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology
- Dr. Eric Wyers, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
College of Business
- Dr. Stephen Blythe, Professor of Accounting, Finance and Economics
College of Education and Human Development
- Leticia Carr, Senior Instructor of Sports Science
- Dr. Elizabeth Garcia, Professional Associate of Curriculum and Instruction
College of Science and Technology
- Brigitte Barbier, Senior Instructor of Engineering Technology
- Joree Burnett, Senior Instructor of Chemistry, Geosciences and Technology
- Dr. Jesse Crawford, Professor of Mathematics
- Soad Emmert, Senior Instructor of Mathematics
- Timothy Matthews, Senior Instructor of Engineering Technology
- Dr. Janice Speshock, Professor of Biological Sciences
Thank you for your incredible efforts this academic year. Have a great summer.
Forever bleed purple and roll, Texans!
Dr. James Hurley
Tarleton State University
Box T-0001
Stephenville, Texas 76402
Office: 254-968-9100
University Homepage: www.tarleton.edu