Dear Colleagues,
This past December, the world lost a wonderful woman in Charlotte Han Sharp. She was the wife of Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp and a passionate philanthropist focused on enriching her community, specifically in humanitarian efforts benefiting women and children. In remembrance, The Texas A&M University System Chancellor’s Century Council is giving each A&M System school $15,000 as seed money to create a scholarship in her name. I ask for your support to grow this award, so that we can celebrate Charlotte Han Sharp each year and give back to our students who need it the most. Now, for a friendly competition. As many of you know, Tarleton Giving Day is April 13th. To honor Charlotte Han Sharp, the President’s Office will give five $1,000 Charlotte Han Sharp Scholarships to the academic college with the most donors on Giving Day. In addition, Kindall and I will donate five more $1,000 Charlotte Han Sharp Scholarships to the academic college that raises the most money on Giving Day. Recipients must have graduated from a Texas high school and be in good academic standing. I am thankful for the life and legacy of Charlotte Han Sharp. I hope you will strongly consider joining Kindall and I in supporting this worthwhile endeavor. You can support this along with our other critical needs and giving opportunities by donating online at https://donate.Tarleton.edu or by mailing a check to: Tarleton State UniversityInstitutional AdvancementBox T-0415Stephenville, TX 76402 Thank you for your unwavering dedication to your university and our students. Forever Bleed Purple and Roll, Texans! Dr. James Hurley
Tarleton State University
Box T-0001
Stephenville, Texas 76402
Office: 254-968-9100University Homepage: www.tarleton.ed