Dr. Borchardt’s A.L.E. Projects

Dr. Jamie Borchardt is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences. She has been a part of Tarleton since 2009 and has worked in a few different areas prior to coming into her current position including: student wellness as a peer educator, Curriculum and Instruction as the graduate teaching assistant and the Counseling Department as the graduate student advisor. Dr. Borchardt has loved working here at Tarleton; from the people, the atmosphere and support. Dr. Borchardt is now in her new position since fall of 2015.
Dr. Borchardt had been chairing the Psychology Club since the spring of 2015, when one of her students came to ask if there were any opportunities for an Applied Learning Experience (A.L.E.) in the Psychological Sciences department. After speaking with him, it gave her an opportunity to reflect upon what she felt would have been the most beneficial for her as an undergraduate student, and volunteering came to mind. She’s created a service learning project for her students where they could offer community support to local businesses. This would not only serve the function of experience for psychological science students, but also serve to give back to the community. She has always encouraged students to volunteer, but with this A.L.E. activity she is able to monitor and mentor students in the process.
Today students have the opportunity to get an A.L.E. credit while working at a local assisted living facility where they are always in need of volunteers and have numerous opportunities for growth in a variety of ways. Working with the assisted living facility incorporates experiences that are taken directly from the classroom into a live setting. Students develop socialization skills that can be utilized with staff members, volunteers, family members and the residents of various age groups. Students get to interact with these residents and put into real life perspective how the developmental aspects apply to the cognitive, physical and socio-emotional realm of the psychological human development model. A semester of volunteering is a great opportunity for students to be able get to experience a wide variety of areas that will help them expand their interests as well as their resume.
For more information on how to become involved contact:
Dr. Jamie Borchardt
Assistant Professor
Math Building, Room 302