Purchasing Procedures
Terms and Conditions Forms
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Purchasing Quick Reference Guide
Sole Source Forms
A sole source purchase is one where there is only one vendor capable of providing an item or service, and therefore it is not possible to obtain competitive bids. The form below should be completed and attached to the requisition along with the proposal from the vendor.
Uniform Guideline Standard
Tarleton, in accordance with TAMU System Policy, has adopted procurement rules to aid the university in meeting compliance issues. It is the responsibility of Procurement Services to be in compliance with the adopted procurement rules and to assist departments in meeting the compliance issues. The Tarleton Procurement Rules complement TAMU System Policy and Texas Government Code.
Purchasing Delegation and Limits
Goods and Services not requiring a contract or exception (e.g., computers)
- Less than $5,000 – delegated to the department
- Obtain a quote from the desired vendor
- Enter a requisition in Texanbuy
- Greater than $5,000 but less than $25,000 – informal bids required
- To complete an informal bid the department must obtain a quote from three (3) Vendors
- Two of these quotes must be from Texas certified HUB Vendors
- To find HUB vendors for your purchase please utilize https://mycpa.cpa.state.tx.us/tpasscmblsearch/tpasscmblsearch.do or contact the Purchasing office
- Greater than $25,000 formal bids required (completed by Purchasing Department)
- A requisition should be entered into TexanBuy with clear specifications of the desired purchase
Expenditures that exceed the stated dollar limit require the solicitation of formal bids and listing on the
Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD). The departments should provide a list of suggested vendors.
Formal bid invitations will be sent to vendors by Procurement Services. The standard solicitation and
vendor response time for formal bid invitations is 14 calendar days unless the Historically Underutilized
Sub-Contracting Plan is required, which can take up to 25 business days. After such time, Procurement
Services will notify the department of the bid results. A vendor will be selected and a purchase order will
be issued. The entire process can take between 6-8 weeks.
For questions regarding purchasing limits and authority, contact Cori Luttrell, Manager, Purchasing & HUB.
Departments are encouraged to purchase equipment supplies and services from Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs).
* Large purchases may not be divided into small lot purchases in order to meet the specified dollar limits.
Non-complying Purchase Requisitions
Departments do not have the authority to make purchases that have not been approved prior to the goods being delivered or services being rendered. Non-complying purchase requisitions include, but not limited to, confirming requisitions and requisitions that split large purchases into smaller purchases in order to circumvent purchasing procedures. Procurement Services encourages questions and will assist requisitioners in determining the best method available in acquiring goods and services.
Procurement Process
1. Identify Need – request quote from company
2. Competition (if required)
3. Submit Requisition through TexanBuy
4. Purchase Order created order to supplier
s. Supplier fulfills order
6. Department receives goods/services
7. Supplier invoices Tarleton
8. Accounts Payable pays Supplier