- Coyote Designs, Stephenville (non-HUB) 254-968-3115 to order. Two sizes are available: 1-inch x 3-inch and a 1 ½-inch x 3-inch plastic nametag with magnetic backing. Prices are $11.00 and $15.00, respectively. Color is not an issue. Other size options may be available at different pricing. Check with Vendor. Credit card payment is accepted. Vendor is licensed to reproduce Tarleton’s new logo.
- Worldwide Specialty Advertising (HUB – HI/M) – contact Robert Perez at either 817-244-5370 or Robert@wsapromos.com. Name tags are 1 5/8-inch x 3-inch with magnetic backing. Two style options are available and both include Tarleton’s new logo (contact vendor for further information). Prices are $15.00. Credit card payment is accepted. Vendor is licensed to reproduce Tarleton’s new logo.
- Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), Sign Factory (non-HUB) – contact Deborah Benavides at either 936-295-9126 (before noon) or; deborah.benavides@tdcj.texas.gov to get a quote. Name tags that have been approved with the new logo are either 1 ¼-inch x 3-inch or 1 ½-inch x 3-inch for $3.46 each regardless of quantity being ordered. Give Deborah the details of how you want the tag to look, and she will work up a quote. Attach the quote to a RTP and send through. Purchasing will place the order for you. TDCJ does have approval to reproduce Tarleton’s logo.
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