1. Coyote Designs, Stephenville (non-HUB) 254-968-3115 to order. Two sizes are available: 1-inch x 3-inch and a 1 ½-inch x 3-inch plastic nametag with magnetic backing. Prices are $11.00 and $15.00, respectively. Color is not an issue. Other size options may be available at different pricing. Check with Vendor. Credit card payment is accepted. Vendor is licensed to reproduce Tarleton’s new logo.
  2. Worldwide Specialty Advertising (HUB – HI/M) – contact Robert Perez at either 817-244-5370 or Robert@wsapromos.com. Name tags are 1 5/8-inch x 3-inch with magnetic backing. Two style options are available and both include Tarleton’s new logo (contact vendor for further information). Prices are $15.00. Credit card payment is accepted. Vendor is licensed to reproduce Tarleton’s new logo.
  3. Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), Sign Factory (non-HUB) – contact Deborah Benavides at either 936-295-9126 (before noon) or; deborah.benavides@tdcj.texas.gov to get a quote. Name tags that have been approved with the new logo are either 1 ¼-inch x 3-inch or 1 ½-inch x 3-inch for $3.46 each regardless of quantity being ordered. Give Deborah the details of how you want the tag to look, and she will work up a quote. Attach the quote to a RTP and send through. Purchasing will place the order for you. TDCJ does have approval to reproduce Tarleton’s logo.