Forgiveness Option
When a student has exercised the forgiveness option, grades for the semester selected by the student will be deleted in computing the total institution grade point average. Under either option, all courses and grades will continue to appear on the student’s transcript and to be counted toward restrictions in total number of withdrawals, fees for repeated courses, fees resulting from excess hours beyond the degree, etc. No classes taken in the semester being forgiven may be counted on the student’s degree plan. Any student seeking to exercise either option must be enrolled at Tarleton State University at the time he/she requests the forgiveness option.
An undergraduate student enrolled at Tarleton State University may choose to exercise one, but not both, of the following forgiveness options:
Option 1
Grades for any one semester of Tarleton State University work taken more than 5 years before a student’s current enrollment at Tarleton State University may be deleted for computation of total institution GPA. This option may be exercised one time only.
Option 2
After a student has attempted ninety or more hours at Tarleton State University, grades for one semester of Tarleton State University work may be deleted for computation of total institution GPA. This option may be exercised one time only.
Please note that in applying the option, all grades from the chosen semester are deleted from the GPA, not just low or failing grades.
Please meet with your advisor to discuss the best semester choice for your forgiveness option. The advisors will then approve and submit the Forgiveness Option Form to the Registrar’s office for processing.
For more information, email Office of the Registrar or contact by phone at 254-968-9121.