TIAER: More than 30 Years of Advancing Water Quality and Environmental Sustainability in Texas

A man looking down at his notebook taking notes about the plants.

Tarleton State University’s Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research was created by the State Legislature more than 30 years ago to address water quality along the North Bosque River.

The TIAER team continues their commitment to conserve, sustain, and improve the quality and quantity of water in Texas and the United States by providing science-based data and analysis for producers, elected officials, government agencies, community planners, and business leaders, to enhance environmental literacy while engaging in the educational goals of Tarleton State University students and faculty.

Population growth and recent climate changes in Texas place additional pressure on the health of natural resources and environmental quality. Many areas in the state are experiencing droughts that reduce food production while coastal area deal regularly with storm-related flooding and infrastructure damage. In response, TIAER has expanded its research agenda to address current environmental challenges.

The organization also regularly assists public entities in developing and implementing programs that promote environmental equality through instruments like the free, online Nutrient Tracking Tool. Developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the tool estimates nutrient and sediment losses, which helps farmers and ranchers conserve resources. Funded annually by the USDA for $300,000, the NTT is currently available and used by users in all 50 states.

TIAER’s full time field operations team, involved in projects across the globe, is responsible for setting up, maintaining, and monitoring remote sampling equipment while scientists collect water samples and run analyses at the nationally accredited laboratory from more than 15 watersheds across the state. Texas Commission on Environment Quality (TCEQ) – has funded projects in 2024-2025 totaling $768,903.

With student success being an institutional priority, TIAER continues to increase student involvement in research activities providing them with opportunities to gain hands-on experience working alongside experts.