Memorandum of Understanding
What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
A memorandum of understanding is a contractual agreement between two or more parties outlined in a formal document. The MOU is broken into two articles. The first article is a non-binding statement for understanding and expectations of an agreement between the parties. The second article is intended to be legally binding and is an understanding of liabilities and applicable laws and regulations to be followed in entering an agreement with the University.
When do you need an MOU?
A memorandum is needed whenever there is the use of loaned animals for the purposes of teaching, research, or events. In order for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to approve an Animal Use Protocol (AUP) , a partially-completed MOU must be attached to the AUP. The information required must include the care of the animals to be used and the procedures to be conducted. This is designed to be similar to an informed consent or parental assent in human subjects research.
Why do we use MOUs?
Put simply: To ensure a clear understanding between the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Loaner and the liability involved.
What’s the process?
Upon implementation of the study, class, or event design; a PI will begin identifying animal owners willing to loan their animal to the project. Prior to doing this the PI will clearly define the procedures to be performed and the care the animal is to receive. The procedures used will be present in the AUP and attached to the bottom of the MOU template. The care the animals will receive will also be recorded at the bottom of the MOU. This partially completed MOU will accompany the AUP when submitted to the applicable facility manager for their assurance signature. This information must be present in the MOU upon submission of the AUP to the IACUC for the AUP to be reviewed and approved. Completion of this MOU will entail the species/age information, approximate number, care to be provided, housing location, procedures to be conducted, and the owner’s information (if you have this already). If you do not have the owners information, leave the owner information and the number of the species blank. Once the study is approved, the PI will send the MOU to and CC their department head and Contracts will initiate the document in DocuSign after review for signature by the lender and PI. The MOU will route for signature to dean and department head. The MOU will also be signed by the institution’s signatory official. Once terms are agreed to and signatures are applied by PI/coach and their leadership, a finalized copy will be distributed to the facility manager, the dean, department head,, and
Recordkeeping for MOUs
The completed MOU will be present in the binder for inspection by the IACUC or research compliance officer in the facility where the lent animals are being kept. The Office of Research Compliance will maintain copies with the project’s folder and facility documents. These records will be maintained according the records retention schedules published on University Compliance’s webpage. It is highly suggested a PI maintain a PI binder in their office with project documents to reduce chance of lost binders.