*All reporting options listed below contain the ability to file a report anonymously. Non-anonymous complainants who file in good faith are protected from retaliation and all efforts will be made to ensure safety of reporters.
The Office of Research Compliance is dedicated to ensuring the safe and ethical conduct of research. Our areas of focus are: human subjects, animal welfare, biosafety, and research misconduct (plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication). Reports may be filed in-person at the Research and Economic Development Building, Room 156 at 1225 N Highway 281, Stephenville, Texas. Reach out by calling 254-968-5563, and emailing researchcompliance@tarleton.edu
General concerns on campus and with TSU employees can be submitted to University Compliance through calling the compliance hotline at 254-968-5563 or through filing a local report.
The Title IX office is charged with civil rights compliance and safe work environment. Reporting civil rights issues, to include sexual harassment, can be submitted to the Title IX office through contacting the appropriate representative or filing a Civil Rights Complaint.
EthicsPoint is the catch-all concern report system for the Texas A&M System. This portal goes to the Texas A&M system and is then sent to the appropriate compliance officer. EthicsPoint provides a safe interface to communicate with compliance personnel while remaining anonymous and enables the complainant to follow-up.
The Faculty Ombudsman provides members of the faculty with voluntary, informal, neutral, and confidential third-party assistance in resolving university-related issues, concerns, or conflicts. The Ombuds assists faculty members with interpersonal conflicts or disputes, including those with concerns about academic or administrative issues. The Faculty Ombuds Program operates independently as a supplement to existing administrative or formal grievance procedures and has no formal decision-making authority.