Center for Agribusiness Excellence
The mission of the Center for Agribusiness Excellence (CAE), contracted by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA), is to provide research, training, and resources for data warehousing, data mining, and analytics of RMA and Farm Service Agency (FSA) data.
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-918-7676
Location: Tarleton Center, Room 202
Institute for Biotechnology Research and Innovation
Tarleton State University’s Division of Research Innovation and Economic Development (RIED) established the Institute for Biotechnology Research and Innovation with a mission to support innovative, multidisciplinary research and training in biotechnology. The Institute’s research focus is bioinformatics and computational modeling of microbiomes with applications in agriculture, energy, environmental biotechnology, and health. Over time, the Institute will also provide a hands-on learning environment with a solid pipeline of trained data scientists and analysts ready to meet the needs of the regional workforce.
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-968-1676
Email: mhossain@tarleton.edu
Institute for Criminal Justice Leadership and Public Policy
The Institute for Criminal Justice Leadership and Public Policy focuses on conducting cutting edge criminal justice research that informs public policy. To accomplish this mission, the Institute engages in program evaluation to information best practices and evidence based public policy across the criminal just system. Today’s criminal justice leaders are expected to understand how to execute research into practice while also generating revenue for their agencies through grant funded research.
Contact Information:
Phone: 817-484-4399; 817-484-3331
Institute of Homeland Security and Cybercrime
The Institute of Homeland Security and Cybercrime promotes and furthers the understanding of emerging national and global digital threats faced by the law enforcement and national security communities. Research from the institute is focused on the impact of technologies on the efforts of law enforcement, specifically on the Darkweb and Deepweb through machine learning.
Contact Information:
Phone: 817-484-4393
Institute for Predictive and Analytical Policing Science
The Institute is committed to foster and promote education and evidence-based research in the field of predictive policing. Predictive policing is the application of analytical quantitative techniques to identify likely targets for police intervention and prevent crime or solve past crimes by making statistical predictions.
Contact Information:
Phone: 817-717-3686
Institute for Rural Economic Development and Research
Tarleton State University’s Institute for Rural Economic Development and Research was created with a mission to support economic prosperity and resilience in rural communities through university economic research and partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders. The Institute works to create a repository of the university’s talent, resources, and expertise to match them with the needs of the region’s rural communities and small towns. The Institute also conduct economic and policy research that includes but is not limited to strategic planning, forecasting, feasibility studies, readiness assessments, economic impact analysis, and labor market studies.
Contact Information:
Email: KOGUNDARI@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-459-5448
Institute on Violence Against Women & Human Trafficking
The Institute on Violence Against Women & Human Trafficking in the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration at Tarleton State University focuses on research and service learning initiatives to address these significant social problems. In collaboration with community partners and public agencies, the Institute engages in solution-based research projects to enhance our understanding of: (a) the scope and nature of violence against women; (b) the individual, community, and social consequences of victimization; and (c) how to effectively respond to these problems. Through these efforts, the Institute is able to provide evidence-based training, service learning, and research support to practitioners working to combat gender-based violence.
Contact Information:
Phone: 817-484-4399; 817-484-3331
Rural Communication Institute
The Rural Communication Institute (#ThinkRuralComm) is focused on helping people live, learn, and thrive in rural areas of Texas, the United States, and beyond. The objectives include to provide undergraduate research experiences for Tarleton State University; to serve as an informational resource for governmental organizations (national, state, local), educational institutions, and non-profit organizations; and to serve as a rural communication training and development resource for the greater Texas business and non-profit community (including One-Day Workshops for Communication Professionals, Two-Day Rural Communication Camps, and Rural Communication Audits).

Southwest Regional Dairy Center
The Southwest Regional Dairy Center’s mission is to provide enabling infrastructure support for teaching, research, and service/outreach programs to meet the need of higher education, the dairy industry and society in Texas and the southwest.
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-968-1837
Location: 2929 N US 281, Stephenville, TX

Tarleton Agriculture Center
The mission of the Tarleton State University Agriculture Center is to provide an academically progressive and diverse instructional laboratory that represents the current agricultural industry and complements curriculum theory and principles that will enable students to acquire understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to establish successful careers and become responsible citizens and leaders.
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-968-9215
Location: Tarleton Farm

Tarleton Analytics Institute
The TAI’s mission is to provide quality analytics, algorithm development, and visualization capabilities to our research partners; and educate graduate and undergraduate students with data science skills, mathematical knowledge, real work experience, and domain knowledge, preparing them for employment with our partners.
Contact Information:
Location: Tarleton Center

Texas Institute for Applied Environment Research
The mission of the Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research (TIAER) is to address environmental challenges and affected socioeconomic conditions by providing science based data and analysis for elected officials, government agencies, community planners, and business leaders; enhancing environmental literacy within the general public; and engaging in the educational goals for Tarleton State University students and faculty.
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-968-9567
Location: Ferguson Hall
Texas Social Media Research Institute
This institute is a cross-collaborative initiative consisting of faculty, staff, and students from various campuses who are focused on social media in Texas. The objectives include providing undergraduate research experiences for Tarleton State University, serving as a informational resource for governmental organizations (national, state, local), educational institutions, and non-profit organizations and to serve as a social media training and development resource for the greater Texas business and non-profit community (including One-Day Workshops for Social Media Professionals, Two-Day Social Media Camps).
Contact Information:
Phone: 254-307-1375
Location: OA Grant Building