Requirements for Readmission
Requirements for Readmission
Applicants must submit an application for readmission and be clear of any holds by Tarleton offices (Police, Business Office, Financial Aid, etc.).
- Students who have not enrolled at any other college or university since last attending Tarleton and are free of suspension will be admitted
- Students who have enrolled at any other college or university since last attending Tarleton and who are in good standing at all academic institutions and meet the cumulative GPA requirements, including Tarleton State University, will be admitted
What is Considered Transferable Credit?
Transferable credit is college-level academic credit completed at a regionally accredited institution. Credits considered developmental, remedial, technical, or vocational will not transfer for admission purposes. Students wishing to utilize technical or vocational courses should consult an advisor.
non-regionally accredited coursework
Credit completed at a non-regionally accredited institution may be reviewed for articulation at the student’s request. Credit must be considered academic and the instructor is required to hold a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the course discipline.
The student will be required to submit the following information:
- Documentation from the institution stating the instructor of the course as well as their curriculum vitae/educational background.
- Contact information of who provided the above documentation.
- Any additional documentation requested by Transfer Services.