If You are Interested in Rodeo at Tarleton State University:

  1. Arrange to visit the campus and meet with one of the coaches if possible.
  2. Bring a video tape or DVD of yourself competing. A highlight tape helps the coach asses your level of competitiveness. You can also email ahead of time to rodeo@tarleton.edu
  3. Fill out a general scholarship form for Tarleton State University. Submit this to the Rodeo office and the Scholarship office as soon as possible.
  4. If you have graduated from high school, are in your last semester of high school, or are a transfer student, apply for admission at Tarleton State University as soon as possible. We cannot file any official paperwork or award scholarships until you are admitted to the University.
  5. Arrange to meet with people in your department, (if you know your planned major).
  6. We have opportunities like recruitment day, Texan Tours, and transfer day, every year. If possible, plan to take advantage of these dates and attend.

Beginning in the Fall 2022 we will be limiting active members of Tarleton Rodeo to provide our team with effective and intentional practice opportunities. Safety being a priority, we will offer optimal experiences for those dedicated to the sport of rodeo, while we all promote Tarleton Rodeo and achieve National Championships. Everyone is welcome to submit videos to rodeo@tarleton.edu and contact the Rodeo Office at 254-968-9187 for a potential spot on the team. We would look forward to meeting with you.