Mountain Warfare

The United States Army Mountain Warfare School (AMWS) provides tactical and technical training for mountain warfare and cold weather operations. Both a summer and a winter phase are offered. AMWS courses enable Soldiers to operate successfully using proven techniques derived from lessons learned by units currently engaged in mountain warfare. AMWS is located in the mountains of Jericho, Vermont at Camp Ethan Allen Training Site (CEATS). Graduates of the Basic Military Mountaineer Course (BMMC) earn the SQI-E “Military Mountaineer.”
Mountain Warfare School is both physically and mentally demanding. Training is non-stop, 15 hours per day, for 14 days. If you can carry a 65-pound rucksack up to five miles per day in mountainous terrain and are competent with both day and night land navigation you may have what it takes to complete this intense training. Cadets attending Mountain Warfare training must be in top-notch physical condition. The majority of this course is not taught in a garrison environment. It is a tough, combat arms oriented course, and many of the students are from active Special Forces and Ranger battalions.