Tarleton’s Dual Enrollment Program

Tarleton Today is the most affordable dual enrollment program for Texas high school students who seek to challenge themselves and accelerate their college preparation. Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit, and teachers will receive robust professional learning and development to deepen their classroom impact. Tarleton Today will work to serve students and teachers across the entire state of Texas and beyond.

Tarleton Today logo with purple text and abstract design.

Speaker in academic regalia at Tarleton podium outdoors.

“Tarleton Today strengthens our commitment to educational attainment for all Texans, especially those from rural and underrepresented populations”

-President James Hurley

Course offerings:

Click each course name for their course description, semester credit hours, and core/field of study category.

ACCT 2301 – Principles of Accounting I – Financial*

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting as prescribed by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to transactions and events that affect business organizations. Students will examine the procedures and systems to accumulate, analyze, measure, and record financial transactions. Students will use recorded financial information to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and statement of shareholders’ value to communicate the business entity’s results of operations and financial position to users of financial information who are external to the company. Students will study the nature of assets, liabilities, and owners’ value while learning to use reported financial information for purposes of making decisions about the company. Students will be exposed to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

3 credit hours, Field of Study

*Courses in development for the 2025-2026 school year